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GEOCLOCK (TM) 7.2, 96/03/01,(C) 1996 Joseph R Ahlgren, BBS 703-241-7980
Help Master Menu
Use the up and down arrow keys or mouse to select the topic of interest.
Pressing ENTER or clicking the left button will display a menu of detailed
topics, while pressing ESCAPE or the right button will return to GeoClock.
If you are new to GeoClock, you should read the "Getting Started" section.
As you become familiar with the program, you should browse through the
other topics to learn about the GeoClock options and features.
1. Getting Started
1.1 GeoClock Files
1.2 Initial Setup
1.3 Running GeoClock in Windows 3.x
1.4 Configuring for SVGA Graphics
1.5 Mouse
1.6 Editing ASCII Files with the TED Editor
1.7 Common Problems
2. Running GeoClock
2.1 Getting Help
2.2 Selecting A Map
2.3 Measuring Distance
2.4 City/Country Names
2.5 Latitude/Longitude Lines
2.6 Time
2.7 Options
2.8 Where
2.9 GeoGlobe
2.10 Quitting
3. About...
3.1 About GeoClock
3.2 About Time Zones
3.3 About Sunrise and Sunset
3.4 About the Terminator
3.5 About Latitude and Longitude
4. Commands
4.1 Command Summary
4.2 Icon/Mouse Controlled Commands
4.3 Help Control
4.4 Map Selection
4.5 Map Annotation
4.6 Time Control and Display
4.7 Map Display
4.8 Sun and Moon Display Control
4.9 Time, Zone and Format Control
4.10 Special Commands
4.11 Mouse, Graphics, and Color Control
4.12 Zoom
4.13 Distance Measurement
4.14 Scripts
5. Advanced Topics
5.1 Configuring for Your Time Zone
5.2 City Locations on Maps
5.3 Configuring for Your City
5.4 Finding Your Latitude and Longitude
5.5 City Name Placement and Time Display
5.6 Make Zoom utility
5.7 Colors and Default Colors
5.8 Changing GeoClock Defaults
5.9 Calendars and Daylight Saving Time
5.10 Ephemeris Data and Accuracy
5.11 Software structure
5.12 Map Generation System
5.13 Elevation Maps
6. Utilities and GeoGlobe
6.1 GeoGlobe Spinning Globe program
6.2 GeoSetup Customize GeoClock
6.3 MakeZoom Rebuild zoom tables
6.4 XXGeoDat Delete unnecessary GEOn.DAT files
6.5 GeoNoDup Delete unnecessary MAPn.EGA files
6.6 SunData
7. HAM package
7.1 HAM package features
7.2 Starting the HAM package
7.4 Call Sign Analysis
7.5 Use of other GeoClock features
7.6 Twilight zone definition
7.7 HAM data base
7.8 Support
7.9 Call Sign Analysis Algorithm
8. Registering/Updates
8.1 Updates
8.2 Available Maps
8.3 About the GeoClock Bulletin Board
8.4 GeoClock 7.1 special pricing
8.5 Ordering GeoClock 7.1
1. Getting Started
Use the up and down arrow keys to select the topic of interest. Pressing
ENTER will display information about that topic. Press ESCAPE to return to
the main help menu. If you are new to GeoClock, you should read all the
topics listed here.
1. Getting Started
1.1 GeoClock Files
1.2 Initial Setup
1.3 Running GeoClock in Windows 3.x
1.4 Configuring for SVGA Graphics
1.5 Mouse
1.6 Editing ASCII Files with the TED Editor
1.7 Common Problems
1.1 GeoClock Files
The following describes and identifies the files associated with
GEOCLK71.LZH (or ZIP) contains the DOS version of GeoClock, this help
file, a set-up program, and several utility programs and data files to help
you get started in customizing the program.
README.1ST Special information - read this first
GEOCLK.COM GeoClock/GeoGlobe master program
GEOCLK.EXE GeoClock DOS program for EGA/VGA/SVGA
GEOCLOCK.HLP Help files text
GECONFIG.DAT Text file with configuration data
GEOZONES.DAT Text file with time zone data
GEOCLOCK.DAT Text file with default map overlay data
GEOCLOCK.ICO Win 3.x icon for GeoClock
TED.COM Text editor program
VGATOEGA.EXE Program to convert VGA maps to EGA
GEOSETUP.EXE Program to help set up GeoClock
USCITY.BIN Data base of US cities
WRLDCITY.BIN Data base of World cities
MAKEZOOM.EXE Program to make the zoom hierarchy
GEOSCR9.DAT "Screen Saver" script
MAILER Order form
MAP1.EGA Map of the world
MAP2.EGA Map of the 48 states
MAP2000.EGA North polar projection map
MAP2501.EGA View from space (orthographic projection) map
GEO1.DAT City file for MAP1
GEO2.DAT City file for MAP2
GEO2000.DAT City file for MAP2000
GEO2501.DAT City file for MAP2501
WHATSNEW.71 Short description of new features in 7.1
FILE_ID.DIZ Shareware file description
VENDOR.DOC Shareware vendor requirements
There is an optional GEOXTR71.LZH (or ZIP) file which contains some extra
files. The files have not changed since GeoClock 6.0 was released:
MAP3.EGA Map of North America
MAP4.EGA Map of South Pacific
MAP5.EGA Map of Europe
GEO3.DAT City file for MAP3
GEO4.DAT City file for MAP4
GEO5.DAT City file for MAP5
ZIPCODES.BIN US zip code lookup for GEOSETUP
XXGEODAT.EXE Program to delete unneeded GEOn.DAT files
GEONODUP.EXE Program to delete unneeded MAPn.EGA files
SUNDATA.EXE Program to produce tables of sun rise/set and twilight
FILE_ID.DIZ Shareware file description
VENDOR.DOC Shareware vendor requirements
The Windows version of GeoClock is in GCKWIN71.LZH (or ZIP) and contains:
README.1ST Special information - read this first
GEOCKWIN.EXE GeoClock Windows program
GEOCKWIN.HLP Help files text
GECONFIG.DAT Text file with configuration data
GEOZONES.DAT Text file with time zone data
GEOCLOCK.DAT Text file with default map overlay data
USCITY.BIN Data base of US cities
WRLDCITY.BIN Data base of World cities
GEOSCR9.DAT "Screen Saver" script
MAILER Order form
MAP1.EGA Map of the world
MAP2.EGA Map of the 48 states
MAP2000.EGA North polar projection map
MAP2501.EGA View from space (orthographic projection) map
GEO1.DAT City file for MAP1
GEO2.DAT City file for MAP2
GEO2000.DAT City file for MAP2000
GEO2501.DAT City file for MAP2501
WHATSNEW.71 Short description of new features in 7.1
FILE_ID.DIZ Shareware file description
VENDOR.DOC Shareware vendor requirements
The registered version of GeoClock includes these files, plus many map
files, customization files for each map, and some utility programs.
Several types of data files are used while GeoClock is running:
This text file contains the data to configure GeoClock for your system.
It has information about your graphics system, your local time zone and
location, and any commands you want to establish as defaults.
This text file contains the default overlay data for all GeoClock maps.
The first line in this file gives the local time zone. The second line
gives the latitude, longitude, and city name for the primary city (i.e.,
the city listed in the map legend). Subsequent lines give the names and
locations of other cities to be displayed.
* is any integer. These text files contain similar data to GEOCLOCK.DAT,
including a primary city for the map, but the data apply only to MAP*.
For example, GEO3.DAT contains the data for MAP3. If a map has no
corresponding GEO*.DAT file, cities and other data in GEOCLOCK.DAT are
used instead. These files can also contain other commands for display
on the indicated map.
These binary files contain the maps. The extension (.EGA) is the file
format, and is used for EGA, VGA, and SVGA maps. By convention, map
numbers (n) have the following designations:
1 - 99 640x480 (VGA) resolution world and regional maps
100 - 299 North America detailed maps
300 - 399 Central/South America detailed maps
400 - 599 Europe detailed maps
600 - 699 Asia detailed maps
700 - 799 Middle East detailed maps
800 - 899 Africa detailed maps
900 - 999 Pacific detailed maps
1000 - 1999 Other VGA resolution maps
2000 - 2499 Polar or other large area non-rectangular projection
2500 - 2999 Orthographic (View from Space) projection
3000 - 3999 Small area (city) maps
4000 - 5999 640x480 (VGA) resolution special maps
6000 - 6999 800x600 (SVGA) resolution maps
7000 - 7999 350x640 (EGA) resolution maps
9000 - 9999 Azimuthal-equidistant (great circle) projection
This file contains all the time zone definitions (ZONE commands) in text
This file is a processed version of GEOZONES.DAT and speeds the start-up
of the GeoClock program.
This file contains the map directory used for the map selection (S) and
Zoom (Z) functions. It is built automatically by GeoClock, and is
automatically updated each time you add or delete a map.
This text file contains the zoom-out hierarchy for the maps. For each
map, the file gives the map to zoom-out to. The file is produced by the
MAKEZOOM program, but can be edited by any ASCII text editor, including
TED, to change the hierarchy.
This binary file contains the zoom-out hierarchy in the format used by
GeoClock. It is produced by MAKEZOOM from GEOZOOMU.TXT.
These files contain scripts, which are activated by pressing the
corresponding key (for example, 9 to start GEOSCR9.DAT).
These files contain the data bases used by GEOSETUP and by the Where
function in GeoClock.
1.2 Initial Setup
GeoClock requires a hard disk, a minimum of 300K available RAM (up to
350K to use the HAM package), and a graphics adapter and monitor.
GeoClock is contained in GEOCLK71.LZH and is designed to support
computers with a 256K EGA, VGA, or SVGA boards with a compatible color
monitor. To get the program running, do the following:
1. Un-LZH GEOCLK71.LZH (by typing LHA e GEOCLK71) to the directory you
will run from. It is best to have a directory dedicated to GeoClock. If
you have special map files, also un-LZH all these (by typing LHA e
2. Customize GeoClock for your location and time zone. Run the
GEOSETUP program (see below), or follow the directions in "Configuring for
Your Time Zone" and "Configuring for Your City."
3. If you are a registered user, you need to run the REGISTER program
to enable the special features. This is run automatically by GEOSETUP.
4. Run the MAKEZOOM program. This is run automatically by GEOSETUP.
5. Run GeoClock by entering GEOCLK on the DOS command line. The F1 key
provides help, and the Q key (Quit) terminates the program. If you have a
VGA or better, the mouse is always active, and the Icon Bar at the top of
the screen allows you to click on several common GeoClock commands to
immediately explore the capabilities of the program. Alternatively,
pressing the highlighted letter gives access to the command.
The GEOSETUP program performs all the necessary initial customization of
GeoClock for your location. It sets up time zone and primary city data,
and sets GeoClock for EGA, VGA, or SVGA operation. Start GEOSETUP by
typing GEOSETUP at the DOS command line.
GEOSETUP tries to detect the type of video card you have. If you have a
VESA compliant SVGA (800x600x16), GEOSETUP will optionally test the card by
producing a 800x600x16 display. If the display is correct, GEOSETUP will
customize GeoClock for SVGA display.
If you have a US zip code (other than APO or FPO addresses) and the
ZIPCODES.BIN file, GEOSETUP will automatically supply the proper time zone
and latitude/longitude information. All you need to do is enter your zip
code and city name when prompted. If you do not have a US zip code, you
can select a city from the list displayed. Pressing a letter key will
advance the cursor to the countries starting with that letter, the PageUp
and PageDown keys move to the next country, and the arrow keys allow you to
move through the list one at a time. Press ENTER when you have found your
city, or a city close to your city. In either case, you must specify
whether you have an EGA or VGA or SVGA based display. With this
information, GEOSETUP builds an initial GECONFIG.DAT.
1.3 Running GeoClock in Windows 3.x
The windows version of GeoClock (GEOCKWIN.EXE) is functionally and
graphically vert similar to GeoClock for DOS, but runs in windows in the 16
bit windows mode. It supports windows style multitasking, will run in an
arbitrarily sized window, and in the foreground and background.
The DOS version of GeoClock runs well under windows 3.1 and is
significantly faster than the windows version, but as with any DOS graphics
program, there are a few limitations. Most important, GeoClock will only
run in the full screen mode, and all other windows applications will be
suspended while GeoClock is running. You can switch to another window by
pressing ALT-Escape, or by quitting GeoClock.
The GEOCLOCK.ICO file is a windows icon that can be used with GeoClock.
After GeoClock is installed, you can add GeoClock to a windows group by
following these steps:
1. Select group you want GeoClock in (single click any icon in the group)
2. Click File on Program Manager
3. Click New...
4. Click Program Item
5. Click OK
6. Type Program Description (GeoClock)
7. Click Command Line
8. Type c:\geoclock\geoclk.com (or whatever the correct path/program are)
9. Click Working Directory
10. Type c:\geoclock (or whatever the correct path is)
11. Click Change Icon (if you get the "no icons" message, click OK")
12. Click Browse
13. Select the drive and directory where GeoClock was installed
14. Double click GEOCLOCK.ICO
15. Click OK
16. Click OK
GeoClock can then be run by clicking the GeoClock icon.
1.4 Configuring for SVGA Graphics
GeoClock can display maps in the 800x600x16 SVGA format. Unfortunately,
each manufacturer of video cards has chosen a different way to enter this
graphics mode. Worse, as new cards are introduced, these codes change. If
you have an SVGA and want to use the 800x600x16 mode with GeoClock, you
must add the appropriate SVGA command for your graphics adapter to your
GECONFIG.DAT file. Most new graphics boards support the VESA standard
(although some require a special driver). The GEOSETUP program
automatically test for a VESA compliant SVGA card. SVGA with no parameters
uses the VESA standard. Some other codes that have been verified are:
SVGA VESA standard
SVGA24 Tecmar VGA/AD
SVGA31 Realtek
SVGA41 VEGA VGA,Orchid,STB,Genoa,Sigma,Allstar Peacock (VGA)
SVGA41 Tseng ET4000 chipset,definicon,Diamond
SVGA82 Oak
SVGA88 Paradise VGA,AT&T VDC600,AST VGA Plus, Western Digital,
SVGA88 Compaq VGA,Dell VGA,Hewlett-Packard D1180A,NCR
SVGA91 Maxxon, SEFCO TVGA, Imtec, Trident TVGA 8800/8900, Phoebes
SVGA94 Logix, ATI Prism Elite
SVGA100 Morse VGA
SVGA106 Ahead A, Ahead B, Genoa 6400, Hi Res 512
SVGA106 Zymos Poach, Epson LT-386SX,CompuAdd 316SL, ATI VGA Wonder
SVGA112 Cardinal, C&T chipset
SVGA112/2 Everex
SVGA113 NSI Smart EGA+
SVGA121 Quadram Ultra VGA
SVGA20226/514 S3 based windows cards, Orchid 1280
You can use any ASCII text editor to edit the GECONFIG.DAT file, such as
EDIT included with DOS 5.0+, or TED, which is included with GeoClock (see
section 1.6). Add the appropriate command to the end of the GECONFIG.DAT
Unfortunately, there is no consistency between manufacturers and even
between models of a given manufacturer for the operation of SVGA modes.
Above is a list of some of the manufacturers and codes. You can use the
VESA code if you have a VESA driver for your video card. In particular,
the ATI Graphics Ultra card requires an ATI supplied VESA driver. If your
adapter is not listed, check with your board supplier or user's manual. The
syntax is SVGAa/b/c/d, where a, b, c, and d are the decimal vales of the
AX, BX, CX, and DX registers to enter the 800x600x16 graphics mode by
executing INT 10.
1.5 Mouse
Certain GeoClock functions can be controlled by a mouse. In
particular, Zoom, Distance Measurement, Lat/Long Toggle, City/Country
toggle, Speed, Time, Help, and Quit can all be controlled with a mouse. In
addition, execution of the zoom and distance functions use the mouse.
GeoClock is designed so that the mouse is always active when the
program is initially activated. The most common GeoClock commands have
been included in an Icon Bar, and selections are made with the mouse
buttons. Several mouse commands are also available (and described later in
this help) to modify availability/visibility of the Icon Bar for individual
users. However, you may move the mouse-controlled cursor off the screen,
or press the ALT key, to remove the Icon Bar at any time desired.
To use your mouse device with GeoClock, the INT 33 driver must be
loaded. This driver, which comes with most mice, is usually called
MOUSE.COM or MOUSE.SYS. You need this driver even if you are running under
windows and the windows mouse driver is loaded. It is likely that it is
already installed if you have been using your mouse with other computer
programs. Also, except for special versions of the Distance and Zoom
functions, the mouse can only be used on a VGA or better display. It will
not work well with an EGA display because of its hardware characteristics.
Two special function, the Distance function activated by the @ key,
and the Zoom function activated by the Z key (available only to registered
users) use a graphics cursor which can be operated either from the keyboard
or by a mouse. The mouse buttons and functions match the keyboard as
Left Mouse Button Control (CTRL) and Page-Up keys
Center Mouse Button Escape (ESC) Key and Enter
(if available)
Right Mouse Button Alternate (ALT) and Page-Down keys
Mouse Motion Arrow and Shift-Arrow keys
All the keyboard functions work, even if a mouse is activated. For
example, the arrow keys may be used to "fine-tune" the cursor position
after the mouse has moved the cursor to the vicinity of the desired point.
The Escape or Enter key is used if your mouse does not have a center
1.6 Editing ASCII Files with the TED Editor
Some customizing GeoClock may require editing the various GEO*.DAT
files. Any ASCII text editor can be used. If you use a word processor to
edit the files, be sure to save the files in ASCII (DOS text) format rather
than the word processor's format.
The public domain editor TED (Tiny EDitor) is supplied with GeoClock.
It is a simple text editor, perfect for customizing these text files. To
edit a file (for example, GEOCLOCK.DAT), enter TED <file name> at the DOS
prompt. For example:
The file will appear on the screen, with a function key reminder block at
the bottom. The arrow and other cursor positioning keys can be used to
move the cursor around the file. The delete, insert, and other keys can be
used to change the text in the file. Five function keys are especially
F1 ABORT Exit editor without saving changes
F7 EXIT Exit editor and save changes in ASCII format
F8 DEL EOL Delete from cursor to end of line
F9 DEL L Delete line
F10 UDEL L Undelete line
1.7 Common Problems
1 The sun is not in the right place.
This is usually caused by your PC's system clock not being set to the
correct time, or a wrong or missing PCZONE command in the GECONFIG.DAT
file. Run GEOSETUP to quickly configure GeoClock for your home town and
time zone. Alternatively, see "Configuring for Your Time Zone."
GeoClock is initially set to assume your PC is in Eastern US time.
2 Your home town or your local time zone is not displayed.
The world and U.S. maps in GeoClock (Maps 1 and 2) are initially
configured for Eastern Time and Washington DC. Run the GEOSETUP to
quickly configure GeoClock for your home town and time zone.
Alternatively, you can customize each map. The first line of every
GEO*.DAT file gives the time zone to display. The second line of each
GEO*.DAT file gives the latitude, longitude, and city name to be
displayed at the bottom of the screen. Use an ASCII text editor to
change the GEO*.DAT files for your situation. See "Configuring for Your
City" and "City Locations on Maps."
3 Your hometown is not displayed in the right place.
The most likely problems is that the coordinates you used are not
accurate. The coordinates that GEOSETUP produces from zip code data
are not always accurate, especially in sparsely populated areas. You
might get better coordinates from your local airport, weather service, a
good atlas, or call the GeoClock BBS. Also be sure that you have the
correct direction for the coordinates (most locations in the US are
North (+) Latitude and West (-) Longitude).
4 The screen blinks.
This is a problem on some EGA and VGA boards with the Trident chip set.
Add the FLICKER and/or NOBLINK commands to the GECONFIG.DAT file.
5 The program does not work on a CGA or Hercules systems.
That is correct. The capability of these modes is too limited for
6 The maps and other data are hard to see on a grey scale or LCD VGA
GeoClock is configured to look best on a full color VGA or EGA. If you
answer the "Do you have a color display" question from the GEOSETUP
program 'NO", it adds the following color commands to give good grey
scale appearance:
These may not the best for your particular system. Use the CSET command
described in section 4 to experiment to find the best values for your
system, then change the lines in GECONFIG.DAT to the selected values.
7 The program always starts with the help menu.
This menu is bypassed only on registered copies of the program. If you
have registered a previous version, you need to re-run the REGISTER.EXE
program supplied on the original distribution disks (and probably on
your hard disk) to register the updated version.
8 The Icon Bar does not appear.
You have moved the mouse controlled cursor off of the screen, or pressed
the ALT key. Press ALT again, or move the mouse back on screen. If you
have an EGA system, the mouse cursor will not appear and the Icon Bar is
controlled by the ALT key only. Also, see the MOUSEX command (4.11)
9 The mouse does not work.
You have an EGA system, or you have not installed the DOS mouse driver
(INT 33 driver) that should have come with your mouse.
10 Zoom does not work right.
The zoom data file may be out of date. Rerun the MAKEZOOM program.
11 The BuckMaster CDROM does not work with GeoClock.
Starting with the October 1995 release, BuckMaster has dropped the file
(HAMCALL.129) that GeoClock uses, and will not release the format of the
replacement file. GeoClock does support the QRZ CDROM.
2. Running GeoClock
These topics give you a quick overview of how to run and control GeoClock.
More detailed explanations of these features, and details of more advanced
features, are in the other sections of this help system.
2. Running GeoClock
2.1 Getting Help
2.2 Selecting A Map
2.3 Measuring Distance
2.4 City/Country Names
2.5 Latitude/Longitude Lines
2.6 Time
2.7 Options
2.8 Where
2.9 GeoGlobe
2.10 Quitting
2.1 Getting Help
Clicking the HELP icon, or pressing the "?" or F1 key, brings up this help
system. You can navigate through the help system using the cursor keys or
a mouse. You can print help by pressing ALT-P and answering the questions.
You can "C"hange the print to print to a file or to control the pagination.
If you use "C" to specify a file for printing, subsequent sections will
also be printed to the file by default.
You can contact GeoClock for technical help:
BBS 703-241-7980 (v.32bis, N81)
FAX 703-241-5809
CompuServe 70461,2340 (Joe Ahlgren)
Internet jahlgren@capaccess.org
2.2 Selecting A Map
There are several ways to change the map being displayed.
If you move the mouse cursor over a point on the map, and click the left
mouse button, the most detailed map containing that point will be displayed
(zoom-in). Clicking the right button zooms out through successively less
detailed maps.
Clicking the MAPLIST icon, or pressing the "M" key, brings up a list of all
available maps. You can pick a map by using the cursor keys and pressing
enter, or by clicking the map name directly with the mouse.
Pressing the "F" key brings up a list similar to "M", but provides more
detailed information about each map.
Pressing "K" displays the penultimate map. You can use this to repeatedly
toggle between two maps.
The "+" and "-" keys move one map forward or backwards in the current sort
order (the sort order from the MAPLIST function).
2.3 Measuring Distance
Clicking on this icon, or pressing D, starts a special two point distance
measuring function. One point is fixed and the other is controlled by the
mouse. Pressing a mouse button, or pressing ENTER, moves the first point
to the current mouse position. At the bottom of the screen, the
coordinates of both points, the distance between them, and the azimuths
between them are displayed. To exit the distance function, click the reset
icon in the upper right, or press ESCAPE. In this function, if you do not
have a physical mouse and a VGA or better, the cursor can be moved with the
arrow keys, and shift-arrow will move the cursor 8 times faster than arrow.
In this function, the cursor can be moved with the arrow keys. Shift-arrow
will move the cursor 8 times faster than the arrow keys alone. If you do
not have a physical mouse and a VGA or better, this is the only way to move
the cursor.
2.4 City/Country Names
Clicking on this icon, or pressing Y, toggles between display of city names
("city") and names of countries, states, and other geographic features
2.5 Latitude/Longitude Lines
Clicking on this icons alternately displays and hides latitude and
longitudes lines. It is equivalent to the GRID and NOGRID commands.
2.6 Time
When properly set up by running the GEOSETUP program, GeoClock converts
your current local time to the various times around the world. There are
several ways to vary the displayed time.
By clicking the SetTime icon, or pressing the "T" key, you can enter a new
time. This display will correspond to this new time, but your system clock
will not be changed.
By clicking the Speed icon, or pressing the "S" key, you can change the
rate of time passage. For example, by entering 1 at the rate prompt, the
displayed time will change by one hour every time the screen is updated.
This shows very quickly how the sunlight changes over time. If you set the
rate to 24 or 48 hours, for example, you can see how the sunlight curve
changes over the seasons.
Clicking the Reset icon, or pressing the "R" key, will set both the time
and the rate back to the real time. Note that the RESET icon only appears
when the time or rate has been changed.
2.7 Options
Clicking to Options icon, or pressing the letter "O", allows you to change
some of the basic display parameters for GeoClock. Repeat clicking (or
pressing right or left arrow or tab) a selected item cycles the item though
its possible values. Clicking an unselected item, or using the up and down
arrows, selects a new item. Pressing "Escape" quits without making any
changes, while pressing "Enter" applies the changes to the current map
being display, and makes the new values the default values until GeoClock
is exited.
Pressing Function Key 3 makes the current values the permanent default
values, which will be used every time GeoClock starts. Pressing Function
Key 4 makes the current values the permanent values for the map currently
2.8 Where
Clicking the Where icon, or pressing the letter W, starts GeoClock
gazetteer. This system can locate any of the approximately 4000 cities
included in the GeoSetup program. Pressing or clicking a letter moves the
display to the state/country starting with that letter. The cursor control
keys can be used to navigate through the city list. Tab, or clicking the
appropriate data base name, will shift between US cities and world cities.
Local time for the highlighted city is displayed. Clicking a city, or
pressing enter, will return to the map display, with the selected city
highlighted with time and ephemeris data. The map displayed is the highest
resolution map showing the city. Pressing "R" or clicking reset returns
the map to the original city.
2.9 GeoGlobe
If you have the GeoGlobe program and start GeoClock using GEOCLK.COM (this
the default start program), clicking this icon will start GeoGlobe. When
GeoGlobe is terminated, GeoClock will restart. You can pass parameters to
the GeoGlobe program with the WCGLOBE command.
The GeoGlobe icon appears only if the GeoGlobe program is named
GEOGLOBE.EXE, is in the same directory as GeoClock, and GeoClock was
started with GEOCLK.COM rather than GEOCLK.EXE.
2.10 Quitting
Clicking the DOS icon terminates the program and returns to DOS. You can
also quit the program by pressing the Q key, or quickly pressing the escape
key twice.
3. About...
These topics provide information about GeoClock and the astronomical and
geographical "facts of life."
3. About...
3.1 About GeoClock
3.2 About Time Zones
3.3 About Sunrise and Sunset
3.4 About the Terminator
3.5 About Latitude and Longitude
3.1 About GeoClock
"It's inconceivable that you won't like this program." -- Jerry
Pournelle, BYTE
GeoClock shows the current time (based on your computer's clock) with
a high quality map of the earth. The current sun position is displayed,
and the parts of the earth in sunlight and twilight are highlighted. This
display is automatically updated every few seconds. Local sunrise, sunset,
the sun's azimuth and elevation, and times around the world are also
displayed. A variety of map backgrounds and other options are available. A
graphics adapter and a hard disk are required. GeoClock is an EGA-VGA-SVGA
program operating in the 16 color mode.
GeoClock is distributed as shareware. This means that if you use and
enjoy the program, you are expected to register it. See "Ordering
GeoClock" for details. The registered version includes the zoom, distance
measuring, and city time display functions, and at least 40 maps.
GeoClock Joseph R Ahlgren 2218 N Tuckahoe St Arlington VA 22205
CompuServe 70461,2340 (Joe Ahlgren)
Voice 703-241-2661 BBS 703-241-7980 FAX 703-241-5809
3.2 About Time Zones
Time zones are more complicated than most people think. To begin
with, they change with longitude, so that the sun is approximately overhead
at noon. However, various political decisions based on uniformity, local
custom, and how to handle daylight saving time (or summer time), have made
time zones very complex. There are a number of changes every year, and
countries can change their time systems without warning.
Data for all known time zones (about 100, including permutations of
daylight saving time) are distributed with GeoClock. They are included in
the GEOZONES.DAT file.
To specify a time zone, several items are needed. First, how the time
zone relates to the standard time zone must be defined. This zone is
variously called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Universal Time Coordinated
(UTC) or Zulu Time (Z). US Eastern Standard Time is five hours behind
(earlier than) GMT. Next, the dates and times when the zone changes to and
from summer time must be defined. US Eastern Time goes to summer time on
April 7, 1991 at 0700 GMT, and returns to standard time on October 27, 1991
at 0700 GMT. Finally, names for the time zone and the standard and summer
times must be specified. As an example, US Eastern Time from April 1991 to
April 1992 is specified by:
ZONE ET EST -5 EDT -4 91/04/07:7 91/10/27:7
ET is the name the time zone is referred to by all GeoClock commands. The
definition states that the zone is called EST and is 5 hours behind GMT,
except between 91/04/07 0700 GMT and 91/10/27 0700 GMT, when it is called
EDT and is 4 hours behind GMT. A special time zone called ST gives true
local sun time.
If the ZONE commands are not for the correct year, GeoClock will
automatically update. This update is close but not always correct, and
countries' summer time definitions can change. Therefore, I recommend that
the ZONE commands be kept current. A GEOZONES.DAT file with current time
zone data is available on the GeoClock Bulletin Board.
The PCZONE command sets the relationship between the local time on the
PC's clock and GMT, i.e., declares which time zone the PC's clock is in. It
takes one parameter - a time zone code, as defined in the ZONE command. For
example, if you use Eastern Time, specify:
This command is best used in the GECONFIG.DAT file.
3.3 About Sunrise and Sunset
GeoClock calculates the sunrise and sunset times for your location.
The times are usually within one minute of local newspaper data.
The precise moment of sunrise or sunset is difficult to determine. It
depends not only on the position of the Earth and sun, but also on the
terrain near you (it appears to rise later from behind a mountain than from
the sea), and on the earth's atmosphere. Another complication is that the
sun appears quite large, and takes about two minutes to shift position by
its own diameter. All these factors together mean that even at sea level,
the sun appears to just break above the horizon when it is in reality
almost one degree BELOW the horizon.
By default, GeoClock uses the value of 0.833 degrees below the horizon
to compute sunrise and sunset. This agrees well with observed times at
moderate latitudes and flat terrain. The SUNANGLE parameter, which is the
angle GeoClock uses for the sunrise and sunset calculations, can be
adjusted to correspond to your local conditions.
3.4 About the Terminator
The terminator is the boundary between day and night. Its position
changes during the day (it makes a complete circuit around the Earth in one
day), and it also changes during the year. Daylight is longer in the
northern hemisphere than in the southern hemisphere from about March 21 to
September 21, and daylight is longer in the southern than in the northern
hemisphere during the rest of the year. You can see the changes by using
the time control features of GeoClock.
The terminator more or less divides the Earth into halves: facing the
sun and facing away from the sun. Like sunrise and sunset times, the pre-
cise location of the terminator is hard to define. By default, GeoClock
shows the optical terminator, which corresponds to visual sunrise and
sunset. The SUNLIGHT command can be used to control the precise terminator
position. If it is set to the same value as SUNANGLE, the terminator
position will agree with sunrise and sunset.
GeoClock also shows the twilight terminator. By default, GeoClock
uses -6°, which corresponds to the civil definition of twilight: the time
when it is so dark that you must use your headlights. The TWILIGHT
parameter is used to control the precise definition of this terminator.
3.5 About Latitude and Longitude
Every point on the Earth's surface has an address. The first part of
the address is the latitude, which is the distance north or south of the
equator. The second part of the address is the longitude, which is the
distance east or west of a line going from the north pole to the south pole
through Greenwich, England (this is called the Greenwich meridian). Since
the Earth is a sphere, these distances are expressed as angles.
There are several ways to express these angles. The first system was
invented by the Babylonians about 5000 years ago. It divides angles into
360 degrees (°), each degree into 60 minutes ('), and each minute into 60
seconds ("). The Washington Monument is 38° 53' 21.5" north of the
equator, and 77° 2' 8.0" west of the Greenwich meridian in this system.
This location is accurate to about 60 feet, or 0.5 seconds. GeoClock can
use this system. For example, the Washington Monument is at
38x53x21.5N 77x2x8.0W
A more modern system gives these same angles as decimal degrees. North
latitudes and east longitudes are positive, while south and west are
negative. GeoClock can use this system also. It is used for data files
distributed with GeoClock. For example, the Washington Monument is at
+38.8893 -77.0356
4. Commands
GeoClock has a variety of commands, keys, and icons to control the display.
4. Commands
4.1 Command Summary
4.2 Icon/Mouse Controlled Commands
4.3 Help Control
4.4 Map Selection
4.5 Map Annotation
4.6 Time Control and Display
4.7 Map Display
4.8 Sun and Moon Display Control
4.9 Time, Zone and Format Control
4.10 Special Commands
4.11 Mouse, Graphics, and Color Control
4.12 Zoom
4.13 Distance Measurement
4.14 Scripts
4.1 Command Summary
GeoClock has a large number of commands which may be used to control
the display. The most commonly used commands have been implemented in an
Icon Bar, which is displayed at the top of the screen. A mouse device may
be used to activate any of these commands simply by moving the mouse
controlled cursor to the appropriate icon and clicking on it with the left
mouse key. The commands consisting of a single letter (such as S) are
activated by pressing that letter. The other commands (such as MAP) may be
included in the configuration file, in a data file, on the GeoClock command
line, or entered interactively by pressing the C (for Command) key while
GeoClock is displaying a map.
The available commands are listed below. More detailed information is
available in other sections of Help. Each group of commands listed below
is described in a separate section of this part of Help.
*** Icon/Mouse Controlled Commands
Quit Quit to DOS
Reset Reset time and speed
Help On line help
Set Set time
Speed Set speed to time passage
Country/City Toggle between city and country display
Lat-Long Toggle latitude/longitude lines
Distance Measure Distances
Maplist Select a map from a list
Zoom Zoom in (left button) or zoom out (right button)
Globe Start the GeoGlobe program (if available)
*** Help Control
HELP (or H) Activates Help system
? Activates Help system
F1 Function Key 1 - Activates Help system
REM Remark - remainder of line is ignored
*** Map Selection
M select a map from compact list
F Find map in list
MAP Find map in list
MAPn Changes to map number n
MAPPLUSn Selects the next sequential map using sort method n
MAPMINUSn Selects the previous sequential map using sort method n
RANDOM Picks a map at random to display
NOMAP No map displayed
MAPCENTERn Center world map on longitude n
*** Map Annotation
FULL City, sun rise/set, local time, sun position legend
NONE No legend
TIME Local time only legend
SUN City, sun rise/set, local time legend
DATECHANGEn Control display of next/previous date
HTA Display specified city as primary city on all maps
HTS Display specified city as primary city on maps it appears
HTN Do not display specified city as primary city
NOHT Same as HTN
MARKLIMIT Control display of cities close to HTA/HTS city
HIDEMN Do not display map name and number
SHOWMN Display map name and number
POSMN Set position and color of map name and number
TEXT Display text on all maps
NAUTICAL Display distances in nautical miles
STATUTE Display distances in statute miles
*** Time Control and Display
YEAR2 Show 2 digit year (e.g., 91)
YEAR4 Show 4 digit year (e.g., 1991)
NOMONTH Show month number
SHOWMONTH Show month name
NODAY Do not show day of week
SHOWDAY Show day of week
NOSECONDS Show time to last minute
SHOWSECONDS Show time to nearest second
DST Control Daylight Saving Time
ZONE Define time zone
PCZONE Specify PC time zone
*** Map Display
DATAFILE Select extension for data files
COUNTRY Display country names
NOMARK Do not display location markers
MARK Display location markers
FORCEMARK Always display location markers
NOCITY Do not display city names
CITY Display city names
FONT-E Set default font to 8x14
FONT-M Set default font to 8x8
FONT-S Set default font to 4x8
FONT-T Set default font to 4x6
FONT-X Set default font to external font
FONTLOAD Loads an external font
SYMDEF Loads an external symbol
SYMBOL Display an external symbol
GRID Display GeoClock Selected lat/long lines
NOGRID Do not display GeoClock Selected lat/long lines
NOLINE Do not display incremental latitude/longitude lines
LINE Set lat/long line increment and display lines
TLINC Set latitude line increment
GLINC Set longitude line increment
GLSPEC Display specific longitude line
TLSPEC Display specific latitude line
CLINE Clear all specific latitude/longitude lines
LINEPERM Make TLSPEC and GLSPEC lines permanent
HIDELL Do not show Latitude/Longitude values
SHOWLL Show Latitude/Longitude values
LLCOLOR Set color and style of lat/long lines and labels
INCLUDE Include data file
GINCLUDE Globe include data file
DRAWLINE Draw line on map
VECTOR Continue a line started by drawline
DRAWCIRCLE Draw circle on map
DRAWFCIRCLE Draw filled circle on map
*** Sun and Moon Display Control
SUNANGLE Sun rise/set definition
SUNLIGHT Terminator definition
TWILIGHT Twilight terminator definition
TLMASK Twilight area pattern
NOFILL Do not display building of sunlit area
NORMAL Normal Display
LIGHT All sunlight is displayed
DARK No sunlight is displayed
BLANK Highlighting is not used
MOON Control display of moon
EPHEMERIS Control display of ephemeris data with Distance
*** Time, Zone and Format Control
T Set new time
S Speed to time change
U Change display update interval
R Reset time and speed
*** Special Commands
C Enter a command
K Go back to previous map displayed
D Measure distance (two point)
@ Measure distance (three point)
Z Select another map (Zoom)
L Toggle between Lat/Long displayed
Y Toggle city and country display
NETWORK@server@local@ Network control
FAST Use reduced accuracy but faster calculations
SLOW Use high accuracy but slower calculations
387 Activate speedup with 80387 or i486
HAMCD Specify HAM CD-ROM data base
HAMDB Specify HAM data base - maximum speed configuration
HAMDBX Specify HAM data base - minimum memory configuration
HAM Activate HAM features
NOHAM Deactivate HAM features
CALL Specify initial call sign
NOBLINK Required for some Trident graphics boards
FLICKER Required for some Trident graphics boards
QUIET Does not beep on cycle completion
SOUND Beeps on cycle completion
HALT Terminate script and return to DOS
REPEAT Start script over from first line
SCRIPT Invoke specific script
WCGLOBE Set parameters for GeoGlobe program
ZOOMFRACT Set screen active area for zoom
*** Mouse, Graphics, and Color Control
FMOUSE Use fast mouse reset
EMOUSE Mouse with EGA restrictions
RMOUSE Reset mouse with video mode switch
MOUSEX Control Mouse/Icon interaction
SAVER Special screen save mouse/keyboard action
ICONSIZE Set initial icon size
EGA Specify EGA graphics system
VGA Specify VGA graphics system
SVGA Specify 800x600 super VGA (SVGA) graphics system
SHOWVGA Convert EGA maps to VGA for display
SHOWSVGA Convert EGA and VGA maps to SVGA for display
CSET Color change menu
COLOR Set color
ECOLOR Set color for elevation maps
TEXTBG Set text background color
MCOLOR Set color for Distance cursors
FCOLOR Set map frame color
*** Zoom (Z)
*** Distance Measurement (D)
*** Scripts
4.2 Icon/Mouse Controlled Commands
Each of these commands is activated by moving the mouse over the icon and
clicking the left button. There is a keyboard equivalent for each of these
commands. The Icon bar itself can be removed by moving the mouse cursor
off the screen, or pressing the ALT key. Moving the mouse back on the
screen, or pressing ALT again, will return the icon bar.
Quit Quit to DOS
Clicking on this icon, pressing Q, or pressing Escape twice quickly
stops GeoClock and returns to DOS.
Reset Reset time and speed
Clicking on this icon, or pressing R, sets the time, speed of time
passage, and update interval to their default values. The icon is not
displayed unless at least one of these values is not the default value.
Help Online help
Clicking on this icon activates the online help system. The top level
menu of the Help system gives a list of a number of topics. The selected
topic is highlighted, and the selection can be changed by using the
arrow keys. More details can be obtained about the selected topic by
pressing the ENTER key. The cursor keys, including the arrows, page up,
page down, home, and end can be used to scroll through the information.
ESCAPE returns to the top HELP menu. The + and - keys select the next
and previous topic without returning to the top menu. The mouse can be
used to control help. Click the left button on a topic will display
that topic. Clicking the right mouse button will return to the previous
topic (or exit help if you are at the main menu). Clicking the == icon
also will return to the previous topic. Clicking any of the symbols at
the bottom of the screen will have the same effect as pressing that key
(e.g., clicking the HOME symbol will move the beginning of the current
Set Set time
Clicking on this icon, or pressing T, pops up a time window and allows
you the edit the current time in yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss format. This does
not change your PC's clock. All times in GeoClock use the 24 hour
format. You can use the cursor keys to edit the time, use ENTER to
accept the new time, or ESC or click outside the box to reject the new
Speed Set speed to time passage
Clicking on this icon or pressing S, prompts you for the rate of change
of time per display update. The prompt asks for the number of hours
(possibly fractional or negative) for the displayed clock to be
incremented during each cycle, e.g., 0.25 for 15 minutes every 1 to 20
second cycle. The hour:minutes:seconds format can be used if desired,
e.g., 0:15 for 15 minutes, or 0:0:5 for five seconds.
Country/City Toggle between city and country display
Clicking on this icon, or pressing Y, toggles between display of city
names and country names.
Lat-Long Toggle latitude/longitude lines
Clicking on this icons alternately displays and hides latitude and
longitudes lines. It is equivalent to the GRID and NOGRID commands.
Distance Measure Distances
Clicking on this icon, or pressing D, starts a special two point
distance measuring function. One point is fixed and the other is
controlled by the mouse. Pressing a mouse button, or pressing ENTER,
moves the first point to the current mouse position. At the bottom of
the screen, the coordinates of both points, the distance between them,
and the azimuths between them are displayed. To exit the distance
function, click the reset icon in the upper right, or press ESCAPE. In
this function, if you do not have a physical mouse and a VGA or better,
the cursor can be moved with the arrow keys, and shift-arrow will move
the cursor 8 times faster than arrow.
MapList Zoom up to next higher level map
Clicking on this icon, or pressing the M key, displays a list of all
available maps. The arrow keys or mouse can be used to select the
desired map, and pressing ENTER or clicking on a map name will display
that map.
Zoom Zoom in or out
Clicking the left mouse button anywhere on the screen (except on the
icon bar), zooms in to the lowest level (most detailed) map containing
the point under the cursor. Clicking the right mouse button selects the
next higher level map in the zoom hierarchy.
GeoGlobe Start GeoGlobe program
If you have the GeoGlobe program and start GeoClock using GEOCLK.COM
(this the default start program), clicking this icon will start
GeoGlobe. When GeoGlobe is terminated, GeoClock will restart. The
GeoGlobe icon appears only if the GeoGlobe program is named GEOGLOBE.EXE
and is in the same directory as GeoClock.
4.3 Help Control
HELP (or H) Activates help system
? Activates help system
F1 Function Key 1 - Activates help system
The help system can be activated any time a map is displayed (except
when Zoom or Distance is active) by clicking the help icon, or pressing
the ? key or function key 1. It can also be activated by entering HELP
or ? at a command prompt. The top level menu of the Help system gives a
list of a number of topics. The selected topic is highlighted, and the
selection can be changed by using the arrow keys. More details can be
obtained about the selected topic by pressing the ENTER key. The cursor
keys, including the arrows, page up, page down, home, and end can be
used to scroll through the information. ESCAPE returns to the top HELP
menu. The + and - keys select the next and previous topic without
returning to the top menu. The mouse can be used to control help.
Click the left button on a topic will display that topic. Clicking the
right mouse button will return to the previous topic (or exit help if
you are at the main menu). Clicking the == icon also will return to the
previous topic. Clicking any of the symbols at the bottom of the screen
will have the same effect as pressing that key (e.g., clicking the HOME
symbol will move the beginning of the current topic).
REM Remark - remainder of line is ignored
Remarks can be used within *.dat files for additional documentation of
the various text files you may change to customize GeoClock maps.
Printing help
You can print the help information for a particular topic or print the
entire help text. To print a particular topic, bring up the detailed
help screen for that topic and press ALT-P. To print all the help
topics, bring up the help main menu screen and press ALT-P. The menu
will prompt you for a device name (LPT1 selects printer 1, but you can
print to any device or to a file), and the number of lines printed per
page (select 0 for a laser printer, because laser printers automatically
produce margins at the top and bottom of every page). Finally, press
ENTER to start printing, or ESCAPE to abort the print.
4.4 Map Selection
M compact Map list
Pressing this key displays a list of maps in compact form. The arrow
keys can be used to select a particular map. Pressing ENTER displays
the selected map. The list is normally sorted in order of decreasing
size. It can be sorted in alphabetic order of title by pressing T, or
in numeric order by pressing N.
F Find map in list
Pressing this key displays a list of available maps. The arrow keys can
be used to select a specific map from this list. Pressing ENTER dis-
plays the selected map. The list is normally sorted in order of
decreasing size. It can be sorted in alphabetic order of title by
pressing T, or in numeric order by pressing N.
MAP Select MAP from list
This command works identically to F. If it is included on the GeoClock
command line (for example, GEOCLK MAP), the selection menu will appear
before the program starts.
MAPn Changes to MAP number n
This command displays a specific map. For example, MAP5 displays map
number 5. If this command in included in GECONFIG.DAT, the map
specified will appear as the first map displayed.
MAPPLUSn Selects the next sequential map using sort method n
This command chooses the next map in sequence. If n is 1, it chooses
the next high map number. If n is 2, it chooses the next map in
alphabetical order. If n is some other number, it chooses the next map
in coverage area. If n is missing, it uses the method last selected in
the "M"aplist or "F"indMap function.
MAPMINUSn Selects the previous sequential map using sort method n
This command chooses the previous sequential map using the sort mathod
described above.
RANDOM Picks a map at random
This command chooses another map at random from those available in the
directory (the same list as produced by the "F" command).
The map annotation and sun highlighting from the previous map is
displayed without the map background.
MAPCENTERn Center world map on longitude n
Centers any rectangular projection world map on longitude n (more or
less). For example, MAPCENTER-77 centers the world map on Washington.
It does not have any effect on non-rectangular projection or non-world
maps. Like FCOLOR, this command does not take effect immediately if
used in the GEOn.DAT files (except GEOCLOCK.DAT) or scripts, but does
work correctly in GECONFIG.DAT, the command line, and "P".
4.5 Map Annotation
Asterisks (*) indicate default values in GeoClock
FULL * City, sun rise/set, local time, sun position legend
GeoClock can display a time legend at the bottom of the screen. FULL
displays the full range of time and sun-related information on the
legend. This includes primary city name, its time and date, including
local time zone name, and sunrise and sunset time. (The time zone is
the one specified in the corresponding GEO*.DAT file.) It shows sunrise
and sunset times for the primary city, the sun's subpoint coordinates,
and the azimuth and elevation of the sun from the primary city. The
format of the time and date can be controlled with other commands (see
"Time, Zone, and Format Control").
NONE No legend
TIME Local time only legend
SUN City, sun rise/set, local time legend
DATECHANGEn Control display of next/previous date
If n is 0, the date is not indicated. If n is 1, the local time shows
a ":" if the local date is the same as the current date, it shows an
up-arrow if the local date is one day ahead of the current date, and
it shows a down-arrow of the local date is one day behind the current
HTA Display specified city as primary city on all maps
HTA/Lat/Long/ZoneCode/CityName forces the specified city to be the
primary city on all maps. It overrides the first and second lines in
every GEOn.DAT file, and thus is a shortcut method to configure GeoClock
for your city. For example, HTA/38.90/-77.03/ET/Washington forces
Washington to be the primary city on all maps, and displays ET (Eastern
Time) for all ephemeris data. HTA is an acronym from Home Town Always.
HTA with no parameters uses the current primary city.
HTS Display specified city as primary city on maps containing it
HTS/Lat/Long/ZoneCode/CityName It works identically to HTA, except that
it uses the specified city only if the city appears on the map. For
example, HTS/38.90/-77.03/ET/Washington would force Washington to be
the primary city on MAP2 (US - 48 States), but not on MAP5 (Europe).
HTS is an acronym for Home Town Showing. HTS with no parameters uses
the current primary city.
HTN Do not display specified city as primary city
HTN/Lat/Long/ZoneCode/CityName It works identically to HTA, except that
it does not display the specified city. HTN is an acronym for Home Town
Never. HTN with no parameters uses the current primary city.
NOHT Same as HTN.
MARKLIMIT Control display of cities close to HTA/HTS city
This sets the minimum distance from the home town city that a city must
be to be displayed. For example, MARKLIMIT5 means that any mark within
5 pixels x and y of the home town mark will not be displayed. The
distances can be set independently, e.g., MARLIMIT5/10 means x of 5 and
y of 10. The default is -1, or no restriction.
HIDEMN * Do not display map name and number
Map number and name are not displayed.
SHOWMN Display map name and number
The map number and name are displayed in the upper right corner of the
map. This is especially useful with the ZOOM function.
POSMN Set position and color of map name and number
POSMNxp/yp/fg/bg xp is the horizontal (x) position of the title. 0
means center, x > 0 means start the title at x pixels right of the left
edge, x < 0 means end the title x pixels left of the right edge. The
default value is -1. yp is the vertical (y) position of the title. 0
means center, y > 0 means the upper edge of the title is y pixels below
the upper edge, y < 0 means the lower edge of the title is y pixel above
the bottom edge. 1 is the default. fg is the text color, and 7 is the
default. bg is the background color. -1 means transparent and is the
TEXT Display text on all maps
TEXTx/y/font/color/bg*text No spaces before the * are allowed. x
is the horizontal coordinate of the starting pixel for the string (if
negative, from the right of the screen), y is the vertical coordinate
of the starting pixel (if negative, from the bottom of the screen,
font is 0 for 8x14, 1 for 4x6, 2 for 8x8, 3 for 4x8, and 4 for the
Xfont. color is the color number for the text, and bg is the
background color (-1 means transparent). The text itself can be
anything. The underscore (_) is interpreted as a space.
NAUTICAL Display distances in nautical miles
STATUTE * Display distances in statute miles
4.6 Time Control and Display
Asterisks (*) indicate default values in GeoClock
GeoClock displays time in a most significant to least significant
format, i.e., year/month/day hour/minute/second. The following commands
control the details of the time display format.
YEAR2 * Show 2 digit year (e.g., 91/05/01 12:14:45)
YEAR4 Show 4 digit year (e.g., 1991/05/01 12:14:45
NOMONTH * Show month number rather than name.
SHOWMONTH Show month name rather than number (91 MAY 01 12:14:45).
The standard 3 letter English abbreviations are used by default. The
text for the month names can be specified by giving the 12 strings to be
used for the 12 months. For example:
NODAY * Does not show display the day of the week.
SHOWDAY Show day of week
This command displays the day of the week (1991/05/01 WED 12:14:45). As
in SHOWMONTH, the default is the standard 3 letter English abbreviation,
but other names can be specified:
NOSECONDS Shows time to last minute
This command shows time to the last minute (1991/05/01 12:14)
SHOWSECONDS * Show time to nearest second
This command shows time to the nearest second (1991/05/01 12:14:45).
DST Control Daylight Saving Time
The method GeoClock uses to handle summer time when current data is not
available in GECONFIG.DAT is close, but not perfect. This command
specifies for which years the GeoClock computed correction is to be
applied. By default, GeoClock does not use summer time before 1980.
DST is used to change this date. The syntax is:
DST year1 year2 extrapolation
Year1 is the earliest year in which to use summer time under the
current specification, and year2 is the latest year in which to use
summer time. If year2 is omitted, there is no upper limit. For
example, DST 1950 specifies that summer time is to be used from 1950 on,
while DST 1985 1995 specifies that summer time is to be used only
between 1985 and 1995. "extrapolation" specifies the algorithm used to
estimate summer time dates which are not included in the GEOZONES file.
If extrapolation is 1, the date used is the one closest same day of the
week to the specified date (for example, 95/04/02 (a Sunday) would
become 96/03/31 (also a Sunday). If "extrapolation" is missing or any
other value, and the original date is in the first or last week of the
month, the new date is the same day of the week also in the first or
last week of the month. For example, 95/04/02 would become 96/04/07.
ZONE Define time zone
This command defines a time zone: it relates the time zone to the
standard time zone (variously called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or
Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) or Zulu Time (Z)); it specifies the
dates and times when the zone changes to and from summer time; and it
names the time zone and the standard and summer times. As an example,
U.S. Eastern Time is specified by:
ZONE ET EST -5 EDT -4 91/04/07:7 91/10/27:7
ET is the name the time zone is referred to by all GeoClock commands.
The definition states that the zone is called EST and is 5 hours behind
GMT, except between 91/04/07 0700 GMT and 91/10/27 0700 GMT, when it is
called EDT and is 4 hours behind GMT.
If the offset to GMT is 100 or larger, the time zone will give true
local sun time (i.e., the sun is at its highest elevation at exactly
12:00 every day). A special time zone named ST (for sun-time) is
defined in the GEOZONES.DAT file for this zone.
If the ZONE commands are not for the correct year, GeoClock will
automatically update them by changing each date to the closest date in
the correct year which falls on the same day of the week.
PCZONE Specify PC time zone
The PCZONE command sets the relationship between the local time on the
PC's clock and GMT, i.e., declares which time zone the PC's clock is in.
It takes one parameter - a time zone code, as defined in the ZONE
command. For example, if you use Eastern Time, specify:
This command is best used in the GECONFIG.DAT file, and it must follow
the ZONE command that it references.
4.7 Map Display
Asterisks (*) indicate default values in GeoClock
DATAFILE Select extension for data files
This command sets the extension to be used for GEOn files. By default,
it is DAT (the previous default). This allows multiple sets of GEOn
files to be used with the maps. If the extension does not exist, then
DAT is used. For example, DATAFILE XYZ would first check GEOn.XYZ, and
if it does not exist, then check GEOn.DAT, and it that did not exist,
COUNTRY Display country names
Supporting the above capability is a control character used after the !
in GEOn entries: Z. Any city (or entry in the GEOn.DAT file) with a !Z
is not displayed unless the COUNTRY command has been given. CITY
reverts back to normal display, and cities with the !Z are not
displayed. In the data files included, this capability is used to
toggle between normal display of cities and times, and display of
country names.
NOMARK * Do not display location markers.
MARK Display location markers for cities.
FORCEMARK Always display location markers for cities, regardless of the
presence of the "N" flag.
NOCITY * Do not display city names
CITY Display city names. The city names and locations are
contained in the corresponding GEO*.DAT file. The name is usually
displayed to the right of the location, but the name may be moved if it
does not fit. The location can be controlled by the user, and local
time can be added (see Advanced Topics).
FONT-E Set default font to 8x14. This font size is used for city and
time display on the maps unless it is overridden by an !E,M,S, or T on
the corresponding line in GEO*.DAT.
FONT-M * Set default font to 8x8
FONT-S Set default font to 4x8
FONT-T Set default font to 4x6
FONT-X Set default font to external font
FONTLOAD Loads an external font
FONTLOAD filename loads the external font specified by <filename>
The format of the external font file is:
Byte 0 horizontal character width in bits (w)
Byte 1 vertical character height in bits (h)
Byte 2 first character in table (c1)
Byte 3 last character in table (c2)
Bytes 4 through 4+(c2-c1+1)*h*entier((w+7)/8) character bits
If the requested character is not in the c1..c2 range, the character
is displayed as c1.
SYMDEF Load an external symbol definition
SYMDEF filename loads the external symbol specified by <filename>.
The format of the external file is:
Initial Byte length Meaning
0 2 Number of pixels in the x direction (nx)
2 2 Number of pixels in the y direction (ny)
4 2 x pixel corresponding to the symbol center
6 2 y pixel corresponding to the symbol center
8 8 Name of symbol (trailing spaces)
10 nx*ny Color of pixel (going horizontally from 1 to
nx, then vertically from 1 to ny). 0-
15 displays as that color. 16-255 is
Multiple symbol definitions can be included in a single file by
concatenating the above structure.
SYMBOL Displays on external symbol
SYMBOL name lat long displays the symbol referred to by <name>
(defined by a previous SYMDEF command) centered on lat long. This
symbol is drawn before any city names or times are drawn, so the
symbol can be overwritten by this data.
SYMBOL filename lat long displays the symbol defined in
<filename> centered on lat long. This symbol is drawn before any city
names or times are drawn, so the symbol can be overwritten by this data.
SYMBOL filename name lat long displays the symbol defined in
<filename> and named <name> centered on lat long. This symbol is drawn
before any city names or times are drawn, so the symbol can be
overwritten by this data.
GRID Display GeoClock Selected lat/long lines
This command overrides all the other Lat/Long commands and display
GeoClock selected lines. It is equivalent to LINE, TLINCx, GLINCy, and
SHOWLL, where x and y are selected by GeoClock on a map by map basis.
NOGRID * Do not display GeoClock Selected lat/long lines
This commands negates the GRID command.
NOLINE * Do not display latitude/longitude lines
NOLINE removes all latitude/longitude lines from the display.
LINE Set lat/long line increment and display lines
This command enables latitude and longitude lines on the display, and
sets the spacing between the lines. For example, LINE15 draws latitude
and longitude 15 degrees apart.
TLINC Set latitude line increment
GLINC Set longitude line increment
TLINC and GLINC allow the spacing between latitude and longitude lines
to be set independently. For example, TLINC 15 and GLINC 30 set the
latitude spacing to 15 degrees, and the longitude spacing to 30 degrees.
TLSPEC Specific latitude line
GLSPEC Specific longitude line
TLSPEC and GLSPEC allow specific latitude and longitude lines to be
displayed. For example, TLSPEC -67 draws a latitude line at 67 degrees
south (the antarctic circle). Up to 20 of these special lines can be
CLINE Clear all specific latitude/longitude lines
CLINE removes all non-permanent special lines from the display. CLINE1
removes all line including permanent lines.
LINEPERM Make TLSPEC and GLSPEC lines permanent
LINEPERM makes all currently defined TLSPEC and GLSPEC lines permanent,
i.e., they will be displayed on all maps. If TLSPEC and GLSPEC commands
are followed by LINEPERM in GECONFIG.DAT, these lines will be permanent.
A similar sequence in a GEOn.DAT file will make these lines permanent.
CLINE1 clear all permanent lines.
HIDELL * Do not show Latitude/Longitude values
This command suppresses the latitude and longitude labels.
SHOWLL Show Latitude/Longitude values
This command labels all the latitude and longitude lines displayed. The
labels appear on the top and left edges of the display. The labels may
overlap other data. Optionally, SHOWLL can control which axis are
labeled: SHOWLLn
n and 1 = 0 show left latitude
n and 2 = 0 show right latitude
n and 4 = 0 show top longitude
LLCOLOR Set color and style of lat/long lines and labels
This command takes two parameters LLCOLOR a/b. a is the color number
for the lat/long lines (the default is 6). b is the color number for
the lat/long line labels (the default value is 7). If a is negative,
the lines will overwrite all map features, while if a is positive it
will only overwrite colors 1,2,3 (water, land, and land/water).
INCLUDE (or I) Include data file
When contained in a GEOn.DAT file, INCLUDE <file> suspends reading from
the file being processed, and processes all commands in the <file>.
When all commands in that file have been processed, reading resumes from
the original file. INCLUDE may be nested up to ten levels. INCLUDE may
also be used in response to the "P" command. In this case, the named
file will be included at the end of the GEOn.DAT file for the map
currently displayed.
The effect of the INCLUDE command will be negated when a new map is
selected or a new file is specified with INCLUDE. The INCLUDE command
can be abbreviated by I (i.e., I DATELINE). An include file can be set
on the command line or in a script by using the @ character as a
separator (e.g., GEOCLK MAP1 I@dateline). This syntax is not allowed
in data files or in response to P or C.
GINCLUDE (or GI) Global include data file
The commands works the same as include above, except that the file is
included on all maps. Orindarily, the GINCLUDE command would be in
GECONFIG.DAT, but it can be on the command line (using the @
character) or in response to P or C. The command is canceled by
GINCLUDE or GI with no file name specified. If both GI and I are
active on the same map, both files will be processed.
DRAWLINE Draw line on map
DRAWLINE lat1 long1 lat2 long2 color draws a line between (lat1,long1)
and (lat2,long2) on the current map. Color is the color in which the
line will be drawn. See "Color Control" for an explanation of the use
of color. If omitted, color defaults to 5 (yellow). Example:
DRAWLINE 38.9 -77.0 34.0 -118.3 0
draws a line between Washington DC and Los Angeles in color 0.
The DRAWLINE command cannot be issued from the [C]ommand level. It
operates ONLY when contained in a GEO*.DAT file that is processed for
the map, or in a text file that is appended to a map with the INCLUDE
VECTOR (or V) Continue a line
VECTOR latx longx draws a line starting at the position of the last
DRAWLINE or VECTOR, to (latx,longx) using the color specified in the
last DRAWLINE. For example, if the following lines immediately follow
the line in the DRAWLINE example:
VECTOR 41.83 -87.75
VECTOR 38.67 -90.25
a line from Los Angeles to Chicago to St, Louis will be drawn in color
0. The VECTOR command may be abbreviated by V (i.e., V 41.83 -87.75).
DRAWCIRCLE Draw circle on map
DRAWCIRCLE latcenter longcenter latrad longrad color draws an ellipse
centered at (latcenter,longcenter) and with latitude (vertical) radius
latrad and with longitude (horizontal) radius longrad, and with color
color. The command operates ONLY when contained in a GEOn.DAT file that
is processed for the map. Color is the color in which the line will be
drawn. If omitted, color defaults to 5, which is displayed as yellow.
DRAWCIRCLE 38.9 -77.0 10 20 6
draws an oval centered on Washington DC that is 10 degrees from the
center to the northernmost point, and 20 degrees from the center to the
easternmost point, and in color 6. Alternatively, the form:
DRAWCIRCLE latcenter longcenter -radius 0 color can be used. This
draws a circle of the specified radius (in kilometers) in the specified
color around the specified center point. For example:
DRAWCIRCLE 38.9 -77.0 -100 0 6
draws a 100 km circle in color 6 around Washington DC. The negative
sign in front of the radius, and the 0 after the radius, are required to
ensure compatibility with the older system.
DRAWFCIRCLE Draw a filled circle on map
DRAWFCIRCLE has the same syntax as DRAWCIRCLE, except that the circle or
ellipse drawn is solid rather than outlined.
4.8 Sun and Moon Display Control
SUNLIGHT Terminator definition
SUNLIGHT angle specifies the sun's elevation angle for the terminator.
The default is -0.8333, which corresponds to apparent sunrise and
sunset, when the edge of the sun is just visible. 0 corresponds to the
geometric terminator, which divides the earth into two equal halves.
TWILIGHT Twilight terminator definition
TWILIGHT angle specifies the sun's elevation angle for the twilight
terminator. The default is 0. -6.00 corresponds to civil twilight, -12
corresponds to nautical twilight, and -18 corresponds to astronomical
twilight. If this angle is greater than or equal to the SUNLIGHT
parameter, the twilight area is not displayed.
TLMASK Twilight area pattern
TLMASK n specifies the fraction (in 16ths) of halftoning for twilight
display. 4 is the default, which gives 1/4 light and 3/4 dark for the
twilight area. You may have to experiment with this value to get the
best display for your monitor. A value of 4 may give a better effect,
particularly if you wish to emphasize the terminator relatively to the
twilight line.
NOFILL Do not display building of sunlit area
Does not perform area fill operations directly to the screen when a map
is initially displayed. The map will be displayed, and after a short
delay the entire sunlit area will be displayed. This sometimes solves
stack overflow errors during fill with some graphics cards.
SUNANGLE Sun rise/set definition
SUNANGLE angle sets the elevation angle of the sun used to compute
sunrise and set. The default is -0.8333 degree, which corresponds to
the sun just breaking the horizon, considering refraction effects. This
parameter does not affect the terminator line calculations.
NORMAL * Normal Display
This highlights the sunlit area and displays the sun symbol at the sun's
LIGHT All sunlight is displayed
This highlights the entire screen, and does not display the sun symbol.
This often provides a better display of details of small-area maps, on
which terminator display may be unimportant, e.g., city maps.
DARK No sunlight is displayed
This does not highlight any of the screen, and does not display the sun
BLANK Highlighting is not used
This does not perform any highlighting. This is appropriate for some
specialized maps which use more than 7 colors.
MOONdisp Control display of moon
If disp is 0 or omitted, no moon is displayed. If disp is 1, a moon
symbol is displayed with approximate phase information over the
correct sub-point. If disp is 2, the text moon illumination fraction
is displayed with the moon symbol. If disp is 3, the symbol,
illumination, lat, long, azimuth, and elevation are all displayed. If
disp is increased by 4, the moon is displayed using the calendar
convention (i.e., the moon looks like the symbol in printed
calendars). For example, if disp is 6, the moon symbol is displayed
using the calendar convention, and the moon illumination fraction is
displayed in text.
EPHEMERISdisp Control display of ephemeris data with the Distance
function. If disp is 0 or omitted, only coordinates and distances are
displayed with the distance function. If disp is 1, the current local
time and time zone are displayed, along with the sun rise, sun set,
sun azimuth, and sun elevation, for the selected point.
4.9 Time, Zone and Format Control
These commands are special - they are activated by pressing a letter key
while a map is displayed. They can also be used in GE*.DAT files, in
response to a "P" prompt, and on the command line.
T Set new time
Pressing the T key prompts you for a new display time in yy/mm/dd
hh:mm:ss format. This does not change your PC's clock. All times in
GeoClock use the 24 hour format. The EGA/VGA/SVGA version shows a pop-
up window with this command. You can use the cursor keys to edit the
time, use ENTER to accept the new time, or ESC to reject the new time.
If this command is used on the command line or in a DAT file, the
included data is interpreted as year month day hour minute second. The
data must be given with no extra characters, and exactly two digits per
item. Missing data is set to 2000/01/01 00:00:00. For example,
T9205151207 is taken as 1992/05/15 12:07:00. A four digit year is
allowed. When used on the command line or in a DAT file, the data may
have a + or - followed by a number. With this format, the current
vertual time is incremented or decremented by the specified number of
days. For example, T+30 increments the time by 30 days, while T-0.25
decrements the time by 1/4 day = 6 hours.
S Speed to time change
Pressing the S key prompts you for the rate of change of time per
display update. The prompt asks for the number of hours (possibly
fractional or negative) for the displayed clock to be incremented during
each cycle, e.g., 0.25 for 15 minutes every 1 to 20 second cycle. The
hour:minutes:seconds format can be used if desired, e.g., 0:15 for 15
minutes, or 0:0:5 for five seconds.
U Change display update interval
Pressing the U key prompts you for the screen update interval in
seconds. When this value is entered, the display is immediately drawn.
Subsequently, the screen in updated at the specified interval and
synchronized with the clock. Thus, if 15 is specified, the screen will
be updated at 0, 15, 30, and 45 seconds past the minute. If your
computer is not fast enough to achieve the specified interval, the
smallest integer multiple of this interval which works will be used.
R Reset time and speed
Pressing this key restores the display time to the current time, and the
display update rate to real time. R "undoes" F, T, and U.
4.10 Special Commands
The first seven commands are special - they are activated by pressing a
letter key while a map is being displayed.
C Enter a command
Pressing this letter key brings up a box for entering a command. Type
the command and any parameters, followed by ENTER. The command will
take effect immediately.
K Go back to previous map displayed
Pressing the K key returns the display to the previous map which was
displayed. This is useful if you want to switch back and forth between
two maps.
D Measure distance (two point)
Pressing the key starts the distance measuring function. This function
is available only to registered users. See "Distance Measurement" for
more information. This function only works with VGA and better
@ Measure distance (three point)
Pressing the key starts the distance measuring function. This function
is available only to registered users. See "Distance Measurement" for
more information. This function works with EGA and better displays.
Z Select another map
Pressing the key starts the "Zoom" function. This function is available
only to registered users. It is not a true zoom, but selects maps which
contain the point under the cursor. See "Zoom" for more information.
This function works with both EGA and VGA or better displays.
L Toggle between Lat/Long displayed
Pressing this key toggles between GRID and NOGRID.
Y Toggle city and country display
Pressing this key toggles between CITY and COUNTRY.
NETWORK@server@local@ Network control
This command sets GeoClock to run in network mode. For every file to be
read, the directory "local" is check, and if the file exists there, it is
used. If not, the directory "server" is used. When a file is written, it
is always written to the "local" directory. Usually, GeoClock and all its
files will be installed in the "server" directory, and each user will have
his own "local". The user can then customize his GeoClock without
affecting other users. Ordinarily, the NETWORK command should be on the
command line (FILE/PROPERTIES/COMMANDLINE in Windows 3.x). For example,
will start GeoClock using C:\SERVER\GEO as the server directory, and
X:\LOCAL\GEO as the local directory.
A special form of the command is NETWORK with no additional characters.
In this case, GeoCLock uses the directory containing the GEOCKWIN.EXE file
as the server directory, and the current default directory as the local
FAST Use reduced accuracy but faster calculations
Forces GeoClock to use a faster but slightly less accurate algorithm for
drawing the sunlit area. This is the default for systems without an
SLOW Use high accuracy but slower calculations
Forces GeoClock to use the high accuracy algorithm for drawing the
sunlit area. This is the default for systems with an 80x87. On systems
with an 80x87, the difference in speed between SLOW and FAST is negli-
gible, while on those systems without an 80x87, FAST is approximately
twice the speed of SLOW. These options do not effect polar,
orthoscopic, or azimuthal-equidistance maps.
387 Activate speedup with 80387 or i486
This command activates the use of special 387/486 commands which speed
up calculations, especially on polar, orthoscopic, and azimuthal-
equidistance maps. If you do not have a 387 type coprocessor, the
results of using this command are unpredictable. It MAY work on IIT and
CYRIX 287s, and Intel 287XLs.
The following five commands control the optional HAM features.
HAMCD Specify option HAM CD-ROM data base
HAMCD file
specifies that the QRZ or BuckMaster HamCall (April 95 and earlier)
CDROM is loaded and should be used to obtain extra information about US
call signs. If the file parameter is missing, all online local CDROM
drives will be checked for the data base. This will almost always
correctly identify the CD, but you may specify the complete path to the
data base (for example, HAMCD D:\CALLBK\CALLBKC.DAT or HAMCD
D:\HAM0\HAMCALL.129 ) if GeoClock cannot automatically locate this data
base. When a call sign is parsed, the CD will be checked first. If the
call is not found, the GeoClock HAM data base (see below) will be used.
HAMDB Specify HAM data base - maximum speed configuration
HAMDB file loads the HAM call sign data base from file the named file.
Only the first occurrence of this command in a GeoClock execution is
effective (i.e., the data base will not be reloaded or changed). A good
place for this command is in the GEOn.DAT file corresponding to your HAM
map. The HAM data base and other required files are an extra cost option
in GeoClock.
HAMDBX Specify HAM data base - minimum memory configuration
HAMDBX file specifies the file with the HAM data base. Whenever a
call sign needs to be analyzed, the data base is loaded into temporary
memory, and the memory is released after analysis. This slows the
analysis slightly, but requires about 60Kb less RAM. If you are
shelling to GeoClock from another program and get Error 203 messages whe
you use the HAM features, placing this command in GECONFIG.DAT may solve
the problem.
HAM Activate HAM features
This command activates the HAM features on azimuthal-equidistance maps.
A good place for this command is in the GEOn.DAT file corresponding to
your HAM map.
NOHAM Deactivate HAM features
CALL Specify initial call sign
This commands allows the initial call sign, when a HAM map is brought
up, to be specified. For example, GEOCLK MAP9009 CALL=K3NA will cause
the HAM package to be activated with K3NA data displayed. The last
displayed call sign will be displayed after switching away from and then
back to a HAM map.
The following two commands may be needed to control screen flickering or
flashing on some graphics boards that do not follow the IBM standard
NOBLINK Required for some Trident graphics boards
This command prevents the markers from blinking on the Distance screen
on some graphics adapters. You may want to use the MCOLOR command with
NOBLINK to improve marker readability.
FLICKER Required for some Trident graphics boards
This command forces GeoClock to bypass the video BIOS and issue changes
to the video memory start address and palette directly to the video
hardware. This is necessary to prevent flickering or blinking of the
display on some graphics adapters.
QUIET Do not beep on cycle completion (default)
SOUND Beep on cycle completion
HALT Terminate script and return to DOS
REPEAT Start script over from first line
SCRIPT Invoke a specific script
SCRIPTx invokes script x (i.e., the file GEOSCRx.DAT). x may be any
number. This is especially useful from the command line. Note that if
GEOSCR0.DAT exists, it is automatically invoked when GeoClock starts
unless the SCRIPTx command is in the GECONFIG.DAT file or on the command
WCGLOBE Set parameters for GeoGlobe program
This command sets the parameters for the GeoGlobe program. All the
parameters on the WCGLOBE line are passed to GeoGlobe when GeoGlobe is
started by clicking the Globe icon. For example
Causes GeoGlobe to be started with the P (preload the data base) and /X
(display axis) parameters when the Globe icon is clicked.
ZOOMFRACT Set screen active area for zoom
This command sets the size of the active area on the map for zoom to
prevent zoom to areas too close to the screen edge, and to allow map to
map lateral zooming. ZOOMFRACT1.0 allows zooming to any area on the
screen. ZOOMFRACT0.95, for example, does not allow zooming closer to
the edge than 5% of the screen dimensions. This parameter also affects
the Where function, ensuring that the selected city is not too close to
the edge of the map. One consequence of this is that clicking near the
edge of the map will bring up the highest resolution map containing that
point but not near the edge, so the zoom function can be used to
navagate laterally through the maps.
4.11 Mouse, Graphics, and Color Control
The commands below specify the capabilities of your color graphics system
and mouse. See also "Configuring for EGA/VGA/SVGA Graphics Systems."
FMOUSE Use fast mouse reset.
Use the fast mouse software reset (function 21h) to initialize the
mouse. Microsoft and some other mice use a very slow (several second)
hardware reset for the normal mouse initialize function, while the
software reset works equally well. If there is a long delay when using
Z or D the first time these functions are used, adding FMOUSE to the
GECONFIG.DAT file may improve the speed significantly. Some mice do not
recognize the software reset. In this case, the mouse will not work
with FMOUSE.
EMOUSE Mouse with EGA restrictions
The EGA display does not support some mouse functions because the
display's state cannot always be determined. If you have a true EGA
system, rather than a VGA or better, this statement should be included
in GECONFIG.DAT or the mouse may interfere with correct display. It is
automatically added by GEOSETUP if appropriate.
RMOUSEn Reset mouse with video mode switch
This parameter controls mouse resets whenever the video mode is changed.
While this should happen automatically, some mouse drivers, including
the standard mouse driver with OS/2, do not follow this standard. By
default, GeoClock resets the mouse every time the video mode is
switched. If the mouse works but mode switches are very slow, or the
system hangs sometimes when the video mode switches, try RMOUSE1.
MOUSEX Control Mouse/Icon interaction
This controls the interaction between the mouse and the icon bar.
MOUSEX0 The icon bar and mouse cursor are not displayed until the
mouse is moved or ALT is pressed. When a new map is displayed, the icon
bar and cursor initially are not displayed. This is intended for
MOUSEX1 The icon bar is controlled only by ALT. Mouse movement has no
effect on the icon bar. The icon bar state is preserved through map
MOUSEX2 The icon bar is never displayed.
MOUSEX3 The icon bar is controlled by ALT and by the mouse moving off
and on the screen. The icon bar state is preserved over map changes.
This is the default when GeoClock starts.
SAVER Special screen save mouse/keyboard action
When this command is execute, *any* mouse movement or click, or any
keystroke, will cause GeoClock to terminate. This is usefull when
GeoClock is used as a screen saver.
ICONSIZE Set initial icon size
ICONSIZE1 sets the initial icon to an 8 pixel bar with the function
names, rather than the 46 pixel bar with true icons. The ALT key will
toggle the icon size.
EGA Specify EGA graphics system
This command should be included in the GECONFIG.DAT file if you have an
EGA system. The command prevents VGA and SVGA maps from being displayed.
VGA Specify VGA graphics system
This command specifies that you have a VGA system. This is the default
for GeoClock, so the command is usually not required. If you have a
super EGA (one that supports 640x480) rather than a true VGA, this
command may be required. The format of the command is VGAa/b/c/d , where
a, b, c, and d are the decimal values of the AX, BX, CX, and DX
registers to enter the 640x480x16 graphics mode by executing INT 10. If
you do not have a true VGA, but an EGA capable of 640x480 graphics, you
may have to add the EMOUSE command to GECONFIG.DAT.
SVGA Specify 800x600 super VGA (SVGA) graphics system
This command specifies that you have an 800x600x16 color Super VGA
(SVGA) display. The format of the command is SVGAa/b/c/d , where a, b,
c, and d are the decimal vales of the AX, BX, CX, and DX registers to
enter the 800x600x16 graphics mode by executing INT 10. If the
parameters are omitted, the VESA standard parameters are used.
"Configuring for EGA/VGA/SVGA Graphics Systems" has parameter values for
a number of SVGA manufacturers.
SHOWVGA Convert EGA maps to VGA format for display
This command forces all EGA maps to be displayed in VGA format. GeoClock
converts the maps on the fly by duplicating some horizontal lines. Using
this command allows the higher resolution VGA characters and lines to be
displayed on EGA maps, and prevents your graphics system from changing
video modes when switching between EGA and VGA maps. It does NOT enhance
the resolution of EGA maps.
SHOWSVGA Convert EGA and VGA maps to SVGA format for display
This command forces all EGA and VGA maps to be displayed in SVGA format.
GeoClock converts the maps on the fly by duplicating some horizontal and
vertical lines. Using this command allows the higher resolution SVGA
characters and lines to be displayed on EGA and VGA maps, and prevents
your graphics system from changing video modes when switching between
EGA, VGA, and SVGA maps. It does NOT enhance the resolution of EGA maps.
All the supported graphics adapters provides for the simultaneous display
of 16 colors from a palette of 64. The 16 colors that can be displayed
simultaneously are used to represent 16 features displayed by GeoClock.
See "Colors and Default Colors" (4.7) for details.
The following three commands are used to control the colors displayed
on the screen for these 16 features.
CSET Color change menu
This command is activated by pressing P (to get the command prompt),
followed by CSET. A menu is displayed with the 16 color feature names,
numbers, and color values. The color values are expressed by combi-
nations of the following letters:
B = bright blue b = dim blue
G = bright green g = dim green
R = bright red r = dim red
For example, white is rgbRGB (r + R = full red, full green, full blue),
bright yellow is rgbRG (full red, full green, dim blue), and grey is rgb
(dim red, dim green, dim blue). To change to color of a feature, enter
the feature number, followed by a space and the color value. For ex-
ample, to change the color of non-sunlit land (feature 2) to brown,
2 gR
and to change the color of sun-lit land (feature 10) to bright yellow
10 rgbRG
You can experiment with different color values to produce the most
pleasing effect. CSET shows changes in the color palette as you enter
COLOR Set color
The COLOR command provides a way to change the GeoClock default colors.
The format is:
where n is the feature number (0-7), dd is the color value for the non-
sunlit feature, and bb is the color value for the sunlit feature (n+8).
The easiest way to get the proper values is to use the CSET menu. The
proper COLOR commands to produce the colors as modified by CSET are
given on the right hand side of the CSET menu. For example, for the
color values given in the CSET example, the command is COLOR22062.
ECOLOR Set color for elevation maps
The ECOLOR commands provides a way to change the colors used for
elevation maps. The format is the same as the COLOR command:
ECOLORnddbb These colors are not effected by CSET.
TEXTBG Set text background color
TEXTBGn changes the text background color number to n. The default
value is 4.
MCOLOR Set color for Distance cursors
This command sets the colors of the Markers on the "D"istance screen. It
may be required to improve the appearance of the cursors if the NOBLINK
command was used. The syntax is MCOLORxxyy. Marker 1 is set to color
value xx, and Marker 2 is set to color value yy. For example, MCOLOR5961
sets Marker 1 to 59 (bright cyan) and Marker 2 to 61 (bright magenta).
FCOLOR Set map frame color
FCOLORn sets the color of the frame around the map display to n. The
default value is 15 (white). A value of 0 through 15 frames the map in
that color. Any other value (for example, -1) does not display any frame.
4.12 Zoom
The Zoom function comes in two forms. If you have a VGA or better
display and a mouse, the first form is always active and can be used at any
time. The second form is activated by pressing the letter Z, and works on
all display types and is somewhat more precise.
**** First Form ****
If you position the cursor anywhere on the screen (except the icon bar)
and click the left mouse button, GeoClock will display the highest
resolution map containing the point under the cursor. If you click the
right mouse button the next map in the hierarchy defined by the MAKEZOOM
program will be displayed. If you click the left button while on a lowest
level map, or the right button while on the top level map, a short beep
will sound and the map display will not change.
**** Second Form **** (registered users only)
This function allows the user to change the map background using the
cursor. A mouse or the arrow keys can be used. To invoke the function,
press the letter Z. The screen will be stabilize without any time or
sunlight information, and an Iron-Cross type cursor will appear. Among
other things, the Zoom function can be used to identify all maps that
include a given location.
Use the mouse and/or arrow keys to locate a position on the map. (If
you hold the shift key down with the arrow keys, the cursor will move 8
times faster than non-shifted arrows.) Each press of the right or left
button on the mouse, or CONTROL or ALTERNATE keys on the keyboard, will
switch to a new map containing that point.
The left mouse button or CTRL selects the next smaller map containing
the point under the cursor (zooms in). The right mouse button or ALT
selects the next larger map containing the point under the cursor (zooms
out). The "Z" key switches to the smallest map (most detailed) containing
the point. The cursor will remain at the specified latitude/longitude
during the switch. When the desired map is displayed, press the middle
button or the ESCAPE key to return to time display.
4.13 Distance Measurement
The distance measurement function comes in two forms. The first is
activated by pressing D or clicking the Distance icon, requires a mouse and
displays two points. The second is activated by pressing the @ key,
displays three points and does not require a mouse.
**** First Form ****
Clicking on the distance icon, or pressing the letter D, activates the
two point distance function. One pointed is fixed and the other is
controlled by the mouse. Pressing a mouse button, or pressing ENTER, moves
the first point to the current mouse position. At the bottom of the
screen, the coordinates of both points, the distance between them, and the
azimuths between them are displayed. If the EPHEMERIS command (see) is set
to 1, the sun rise, sun set, sun azimuth, and sun elevation will be
displayed for the selected point (the red cursor, the one fixed by a mouse
click). To exit the distance function, click on the reset icon in the
upper right, or press ESCAPE.
**** Second Form ****
This function provides a display of the coordinates of three selected
points, and the distances between them, as controlled by a mouse or the
keyboard. The function is invoked by pressing the "@" (shift 2). City
names remain on the map, and two text lines appear at the bottom of the
screen. They indicate latitude and longitude of three points, and
distances between them.
Point 3 is the current cursor position, which you can change with mouse
motion or the arrow keys. (If you hold the shift key down with the arrow
keys, the cursor will move 8 times faster.) Point 1 is selected by the
left mouse button or the CONTROL key on the keyboard. Point 2 is selected
by the right mouse button or the ALTERNATE key.
To maintain smooth cursor movement, the distance and coordinate displays
are updated only when the cursor is not moving. By default, the display
shows distance (in km and miles) on the top line, and location (in
degrees/minutes/seconds) on the bottom. By pressing "A", azimuth (in
degrees, first from A to B, then B to A) and distance (in km) will be
displayed. "D" returns to distance only. Pressing "." will display
locations in degrees and fractions, while "'" will return to DMS format.
To return to the normal GeoClock display, press ESCAPE or the center mouse
4.14 Scripts
Up to 10 scripts can be played by GeoClock. Each script consists of
GeoClock command lines (including a map selection command) and optionally a
time (by default, 15 seconds). At the end of the specified interval, the
next command line in the script is executed.
One way to start a script is to press a number key (0 through 9). The
corresponding script file is named GEOSCR0.DAT through GEOSRC9.DAT.
Another way to invoke a script is to use the command SCRIPTx, where x is
any number. The corresponding script file is GEOSCRx.DAT. If this command
is on the command line or in GECONFIG.DAT, that script is executed as soon
as GeoClock starts. If not, and if GEOSCR0.DAT exists, it is executed
automatically when GeoClock is started. If the script encounters a REPEAT
command, the script restarts at the beginning of the file. If the script
encounters a HALT command, GeoClock immediately stops and returns to DOS.
The script stops when the end of the script file is reached, or any key is
GEOSCR9.DAT contains:
When 9 is pressed, MAP1 with LINE30 and SHOWLL is displayed for 15 seconds.
then MAP2 with LINE5 is displayed for 15 seconds, then a randomly selected
map is displayed for 30 seconds with NOLINE, and the sequence repeats.
Scripts can also be used as macro keys. For example, if GEOSCR1.DAT
then when 1 is pressed, the next sequential map in map number sequence is
displayed. If GEOSCR2.DAT contains:
then when 2 is pressed, the current time is advanced by one hour (1/24
5. Advanced Topics
These are topics of interest only to advanced users or are topics of
specialized interest.
5. Advanced Topics
5.1 Configuring for Your Time Zone
5.2 City Locations on Maps
5.3 Configuring for Your City
5.4 Finding Your Latitude and Longitude
5.5 City Name Placement and Time Display
5.6 Make Zoom utility
5.7 Colors and Default Colors
5.8 Changing GeoClock Defaults
5.9 Calendars and Daylight Saving Time
5.10 Ephemeris Data and Accuracy
5.11 Software structure
5.12 Map Generation System
5.13 Elevation Maps
5.1 Configuring for Your Time Zone
GeoClock has a comprehensive system for handling all known time zones
in the world. The GEOZONES.DAT file contains definitions of all time zones
and daylight saving time systems identified to date. You can read or print
this file for the complete list.
These definitions include the dates for switching between standard and
summer time (for example, 91/04/07 and 91/10/27 for most of the U.S. in
1991), the common names for standard and summer time (for example, EST and
EDT), and a codename to refer to the definition (for example, ET).
Ordinarily, you should not need to change these definitions. Each time
zone is preceded by the keyword ZONE.
To make sure that GeoClock gives the proper sun position, you must
tell GeoClock what time zone your PC's clock uses. (For most users, this
will be the time zone in which you live.) This is done by editing
GECONFIG.DAT (use TED if you do not have a favorite ASCII editor) and
adding the proper PCZONE command. This command should be placed in the
GECONFIG.DAT file. The format is:
PCZONE codename
where codename is the codename for the time zone, as listed in the ZONE
commands. There should be no other characters on this line.
Some common codenames are:
ET Eastern Standard/Daylight Time
EST Eastern Standard Time all year (most of Indiana)
CT Central Standard/Daylight Time
MT Mountain Standard/Daylight Time
MST Mountain Standard Time all year (Arizona)
PT Pacific Standard/Daylight Time
AKT Alaska
HST Hawaii
UKT United Kingdom, Ireland
+1A Most of continental Europe
+2A Eastern Europe
JST Japan
The GEOSETUP program will prompt you for the time zone code (or supply
it automatically if you live in a US zip code area) and place the time zone
code in the GECONFIG.DAT file.
5.2 City Locations on Maps
GeoClock has great flexibility in displaying cities on the maps. For
most maps (e.g., MAP2) there is a corresponding text file (e.g., GEO2.DAT)
that contains the customization information for that map. GEOCLOCK.DAT is
used for MAP1, and any other map that does not have a corresponding
GEOn.DAT file.
The first line of any GEOn.DAT file is the time zone codename that
determines which time zone will be used for time display on that map. For
example, ET indicates Eastern time, and CT indicates central time. (See
"Configuring for Your Time Zone.") This should normally be the time zone
codename for the first city listed (the second line of the file). This
city is the "primary" city for the map. The rest of the lines in the file
specify the names and locations of other cities to be displayed.
The format for display of a city is "Latitude Longitude Name".
Either decimal degrees or degrees minutes seconds (DMS) may be used. In
the decimal degree format, the minus sign (-) indicates south latitude
(south of the equator) and west longitude (in the western hemisphere). For
DMS format, separate entries by an "x", and place the direction indicator
at the end. For example, 31 degrees 15 minutes west longitude would be
31x15W in DMS, and -31.25 in decimal, while 45 degrees 12 minutes 38
seconds north latitude would be 45x12x38N in DMS and 45.2106 in decimal.
Some examples of these lines are:
34.00 -118.25 Los Angeles
30x3N 31x15E Cairo
-26.17 28.03 Johannesburg
27x49N 85x21E Katmandu Nepal
The first city listed in a file is the "primary" city. It is used for
the astronomical calculations which are normally shown at the bottom of the
map. The sunrise and sunset time, azimuth and elevation to the sun, local
time, and the sun's sub point (the point on earth where the sun is directly
overhead) can be displayed for this location.
5.3 Configuring for Your City
You will probably want to customize the display by entering cities of
your choice on some maps. In particular, you may want to make the city
where you live the "primary" city on one or more of the maps. This will
give sunrise and sunset, plus other sun-related data for your city on the
legend lines at the bottom of the each map.
The simplest method is to use the GEOSETUP program. This will add the
proper HTS command to GECONFIG.DAT. The syntax for HTS is:
For example: HTS/41.98/-91.64/CT/Cedar_Rapids
places a marker and the name Cedar Rapids on every map where the city
appears, and gives sunrise, sunset, sun azimuth, sun elevation, and time
for Cedar Rapids at the bottom of all maps. (The underscore _ is displayed
as a space.) Alternatively, you can use HTA instead of HTS. This uses
Cedar Rapids for the sunrise, etc., data, on all maps. This command can be
added to the end of GECONFIG.DAT at the same time that the PCZONE command
is added, or included on the GEOCLK command line.
An alternative and more flexible method is to install your city as the
primary city in only some GEO*.DAT files, (for example, GEO2.DAT). You can
do this by editing the file at the DOS command line (e.g., TED GEO2.DAT).
You can use any ASCII text editor, but TED is especially easy and is
supplied with GeoClock (See section 1.6). Using the cursor and editor
keys, replace the first line of the file, if necessary, so that the time
zone codename corresponds with your time zone. Then position the cursor at
the end of the first line and press ENTER. This will create a blank second
line. Next, enter your latitude, longitude, and location name on the
second line. Finally, press F7 to save these changes. (See "City
Locations on Maps" (1.5) for details on entering the latitude/longitude
definitions for cities.)
Repeat this for every map you want to change. It is not necessary to
change all the files, or to use the same city in every file.
For example, here is part of the GEO2.DAT file that comes with
38.90 -77.03 Washington
33.75 -84.38 Atlanta
42.33 -71.08 Boston
Suppose you live in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and want Cedar Rapids to appear
as the primary city on one or more maps. The first step is to determine
your latitude and longitude (see "Finding Your Latitude and Longitude"
(1.7)). Next, use the TED editor that came with GeoClock, or any other
text editor, to edit the GEOn.DAT file corresponding to the map file you
want to change. For example, to change MAP2 (the US map), edit GEO2.DAT.
If you use TED, just enter TED GEO2.DAT. Change the first line to your
time zone, if necessary. Cedar Rapids is in the Central time zone, so use
the editor to change ET to CT. Next, make Cedar Rapids the first city
listed. In this case, it is 41.98N and 91.64W. Adding this data to the
GEO2.DAT file gives:
41.98 -91.64 Cedar Rapids
38.90 -77.03 Washington
33.75 -84.38 Atlanta
42.33 -71.08 Boston
If you want Cedar Rapids to appear on a map, but do not want it as the
primary city, enter its latitude, longitude, and name in the list of cities
on the GEO*.DAT file, but not as the first city.
5.4 Finding Your Latitude and Longitude
Accurate lat/long are essential for proper display of cities on a map,
and also for accurate sunrise and sunset times of a map's "primary" city.
An error of one degree of longitude changes sunrise and sunset by four
minutes. The easiest way to find a particular latitude and longitude is to
look it up in an atlas. The next easiest way is to call your local airport
or weather bureau for the information. You can also leave a request for
information on the GeoClock Bulletin Board, and you should get a reply in a
short time.
5.5 City Name Placement and Time Display
For registered users only, additional control over city placement,
color, size, and local time display is possible. All are marked by
characters appearing after an exclamation point (!) on a city line in
GEOn.DAT. This new data consists of an optional string of characters as
A - show city name Above mark
B - show city name Below mark
L - show city name Left of mark
R - show city name Right of mark
Y - show city name in color 5 (Yellow by default)
E - show city name in 8x14 font
M - show city name in 8x8 font (default)
S - show city name in 4x8 font
T - show city name in 4x6 font
X - show city name in external font (see FONTLOAD command)
number - show city name in color number (e.g., 6 shows city name in
color 6). Color numbers are described in "Color Control."
N - show a name without a mark. This is particularly useful if you
want to name an area, such as the Pacific Ocean
Z - indicates a country name rather than a city name
O - display the last symbol defined (see SYMDEF) instead of the normal
marker for the city.
After these optional codes, the line may be followed by a space and a
time zone code. If included, this specifies that the local time for that
city is to be displayed to the right of the city name. If a "*" is
included, the name of the time zone will be displayed in addition to the
38.90 -77.02 Washington !E
42.65 -73.75 Albany !Y
35.08 -106.65 Albuquerque ! *MT
42.28 -83.75 Ann Arbor !A
33.75 -84.39 Atlanta !0
44.30 -69.76 Augusta
33.52 -86.81 Birmingham ! CT
46.80 -100.78 Bismarck !B6 *CT
In this example, Washington will be displayed in the 8x14 font, Albany
will be displayed in yellow, Albuquerque will be followed by the local time
and MST or MDT as appropriate, Ann Arbor will appear above the marker,
Atlanta will be displayed in color 0 (red), Birmingham will appear follow
by local (central) time but without a CST or CDT, and Bismarck will be
displayed below the marker in color 6 (black) and followed by local time
and CST or CDT.
5.6 Make Zoom utility
The MakeZoom utility allows the zoom-up sequence for the always active
mouse zoom to be defined. Clicking the right button, or the zoom-up icon,
uses this take to find the next map up. Initially, MAKEZOOM scans the map
directory and builds a candidate zoom up text file named GEOZOOMU.TXT.
This file has one line per map:
mapnumber zoomoutmapnumber mapname -> zoomoutmapname
Only the two numeric fields are processed, the rest is comment. Then the
program makes the GEOZOOMU.BIN file, which GeoClock uses. This file is
produced automatically when MAKEZOOM is run. If desired, the GEOZOOMU.TXT
file can be edited to change the zoom sequence. When MAKEZOOM is run, if
the GEOZOOMU.TXT file already exists, you are prompted to either use this
file, or produce a new one. You should run this program every time you add
or delete a map.
You can use the MAKEZOOM utility for the windows version of GeoClock by:
5.7 Colors and Default Colors
The EGA graphics adapter provides for the simultaneous display of 16
colors from a palette of 64. The VGA graphics adapter provides for the
simultaneous display of 16 colors from a palette of 262144. Most programs
use the default palette, which roughly corresponds to the colors provided
by the CGA in text mode. In order to make the map display the most at-
tractive, the EGA/VGA/SVGA version of GeoClock does not use this standard
palette. Instead, the 16 colors that can be displayed simultaneously are
used to represent 16 features displayed by GeoClock. The first eight
numbers are for features not in sunlight, and the second eight are for
features that are in sunlight:
The 16 color values are expressed by combinations of the following
B = bright blue b = dim blue
G = bright green g = dim green
R = bright red r = dim red
For example, white is rgbRGB (r+R=full red, g+G=full green, b+B=full
blue), bright yellow is rgbRG (r+R=full red, g+G=full green, b=dim
blue), and grey is rgb (dim red, dim green, dim blue). These colors are
also indicated with numerical values determined by the formula:
Color value = 32*r + 16*g + 8*b + 4*R + 2*G +B
Default colors in GeoClock are as follows:
Feature Use Color rgbRGB Color Value
0 Political Bdy (dark) red ---R-- 4
1 Water (dark) blue -----B 1
2 Land (dark) dark green -g---- 16
3 Land/Water Bdy (dark) green ----G- 2
4 Text Background (dark) black ------ 0
5 Aux Text Color (dark) yellow rgbRG- 62
6 Lat/Long Lines (dark) black ------ 0
7 Frame and Text white rgbRGB 63
8 Political Bdy (light) bright red rgbR-- 60
9 Water (light) light blue --b--B 9
10 Land (light) green ----G- 2
11 Land/Water Bdy (light) light green -g---G- 18
12 Text Background (light) black ------ 0
13 Aux Text and Sun (light) yellow rgbRG- 62
14 Lat/Long Lines (light) black ------ 0
15 Frame and Text white rgbRGB 63
The "rgbRGB" designators are used for changing display colors with the
CSET function. The color values are used with the COLORnddbb command at
the [C]ommand line or in GECONFIG.DAT.
In order to avoid an annoying "blinking" effect on every screen update,
it is desirable that there be identical colors for colors 4 and 12, and for
colors 7 and 15.
5.8 Changing GeoClock Defaults
There are at least four ways to change default values in GeoClock.
Most default values can be overridden for all operation by inserting
another command in the GECONFIG.DAT file. This can be done with any text
editor. For example, MARK, CITY, and LINEnn commands are often added to
the GECONFIG.DAT file. Some users also add their favorite map at the end,
so it (rather than Map 1) comes up automatically for display on initiating
the program.
The second way to change default values is by adding commands as para-
meters when executing GeoClock (usually by typing GEOCLK at the DOS command
line). The third way is through the normal [C]ommand process.
The fourth is by adding commands in map data files (GEO*.DAT). With
this method, you should be aware of which commands will apply only to a
given map, and which ones will change all map displays until a contrary
command is issued.
Some commands in GeoClock are "global," while others are "non-global."
Global commands remain in effect until they are countermanded with a
contrary command, or the program is terminated. Non-global commands lose
their effect once the user changes maps. Most commands regarding map
display, map annotation, time control, the terminator, and twilight are
global. INCLUDE, DRAWLINE, and daylight/darkness commands (NORMAL, LIGHT,
etc.) are non-global.
5.9 Calendars and Daylight Saving Time
Time zones are not built into the GeoClock program. Rather, they are
defined in the GEOZONES.DAT file. These definitions are for the current
year, and are usually updated at least twice a year.
Time can be specified for individual locations by entries in GEO*.DAT
files. (See "City Name Placement and Time Display.")
In the abstract, time is an immutable commodity. However, its measure-
ment and legal specification are constantly changing. Time zones, daylight
saving time, and even the calendar itself have changed from year to year or
century to century. Some important factors in the measurement of legal
time (which is what GeoClock shows) are discussed below.
Great Britain adopted Greenwich Mean Time as the first standard time by
act of Parliament in 1880. The four standard time zones were adopted in
the U.S. in 1883. The Meridian Conference, held in Washington in 1884,
established the Greenwich (near London) as the reference point for world-
wide longitude measurements, and for the general scheme of time zones.
Some countries have switched from one time zones to another by law
(e.g., Latvia). Also, time zone boundaries have been moved within coun-
tries (e.g., Russia), and portions of some countries have been assigned to
different time zones (e.g., western Ohio). Thus, if you specify dates in
past years, times shown GeoClock are not always correct.
GeoClock will display "standard" times for dates prior to 1884, But
they obviously do not correspond to actual time measurements which were
used then. These were usually based on local sun time.
Daylight saving time is a special case. Much of the U.S. has observed
DST since World War II, and a uniform set of dates was specified in 1967.
The DST period (now in all states except Arizona, Hawaii, and part of
Indiana) has been from early April to late October since 1987. All con-
tinental European countries have observed summer time from late March to
late September since 1980 or 1981, and some have done so for several
decades. Great Britain and Ireland have summer time from late March to
late October.
The DST command allows daylight saving time to be used under the cur-
rent set of specifications for a period of years selected by the user.
(See "Time Control and Display.") The default period is back to 1980 and
indefinitely into the future. However, there does not seem to be any
practical way of selectively recognizing individual countries' different
summer time patterns in the past, or in the future. For example, GeoClock
(with GEOZONES.DAT set for current time patterns) will not correctly show
times in 1979, when France observed summer time but Germany did not.
The SHOWDAY function in GeoClock gives days of the week accurately back
to the year 100 AD. It uses the Julian calendar up to October 4, 1582, and
the Gregorian calendar from October 15, 1582 on.
An error of less than one day in 100 years caused the Julian calendar
to diverge from accepted benchmarks. By the 16th century, the vernal
equinox occurred around March 11, rather than March 21.
Pope Gregory XIII promulgated the "new style" calendar in 1582.
Thursday, October 4, 1582 was followed by Friday, October 15. Catholic
countries adopted the Gregorian calendar immediately, or within a few
years. Most Protestant countries on the Continent adopted the new calendar
around 1700. England and the American colonies changed in 1752, by act of
Parliament. Thus, days of the week shown by GeoClock for events in England
and America between 1582 and 1752 are generally incorrect.
Orthodox Christian countries adopted the Gregorian calendar later.
Russia was the last European country to do so, after the communist revo-
lution of 1917. As a result, the USSR celebrates the October Revolution
(October 25, 1917 in the "old style" calendar) on November 7.
5.10 Ephemeris Data and Accuracy
The ephemeris data in GeoClock is calculated using formulas from
"Astronomical Formulae for Calculators" (Jean Meeus, Willmann-Bell Inc,
Richmond VA). They were calibrated by comparing with data from
"Interactive Computer Ephemeris" (ICE) (Nautical Almanac Office, Code FA,
US Naval Observatory, Washington, DC 20392). For a period of 400 days
including 1991, the maximum and RMS latitude errors are 0.0047383 and
0.0019377 degrees, while the maximum and RMS longitude errors are 0.0131104
and 0.0053660 degrees. This accuracy is approximately four times better
than the method used in GeoClock 4.2 and earlier, and should provide better
accuracy for past and future years.
The terminator is shown as the locations where the sun's center is a
specified angle above the horizon, ignoring atmospheric effects. For the
default value of 0 degrees, the sunrise occurs earlier and the sunset
occurs later than the terminator indicates. The sun rise and sun set times
are also computed as the times that the sun's center is a specified angle
above or below the horizon. The default value, -0.8333, corresponds to the
normal definition of sun rise and set (as printed in newspapers and
almanacs), where the visible top edge of the sun just breaks the horizon.
5.11 Software structure
GeoClock is written entirely in Turbo Pascal version 5.0, except for
the mouse interface routines and a few inline sections required for speed.
It has approximately 14000 lines of source code. It uses 8 byte reals for
most calculations, and thus relies on the 80x87 emulation package for
systems without a math co-processor. It uses a custom graphics package
which provides access to special hardware features (such as independent
control of screen planes, fast fill, and preserving the graphics memory
during text display) that are not available in the EGAVGA.BGI driver.
5.12 Map Generation System
The maps used for the GeoClock program were produced by a custom data
base and software system. This system consists of a highly compressed
vectorized map data base and a set of programs to convert the data into
custom maps. The data bases are used. The primary data base is a PC
conversion of World Data Bank II. It contains approximately 5.7 million
vectors covering coastlines, islands, lakes, rivers, and similar geologic
features, together with political boundary data. It covers the entire
earth, and included features are accurate to approximately 600 meters.
World Data Bank II was converted to this custom PC format by an ad hoc
program which took advantage of specific features of both data bases. In
its operational form, the PC data base uses approximately 0.84 bytes per
vector, and in archival form takes approximately 0.5 bytes per vector. The
data base is therefore easily stored and manipulated on an AT class PC.
A secondary data base is a PC conversion of 1979 1:2 Million Digital Line
Graph data base from USGS. It includes highway and railroad data in
addition to much more detailed physical and political features, and
contains about 8.3 million vectors covering the 50 states, compressed to
about 13 MB (1.6 bytes per record) on the PC.
A third data base is a PC conversion of the 1992 "Digital Chart of the
World", made by digitizing 1:1 Million ONC charts (and some other paper
sources). The extracted the data (highway, railroad, coastlines, islands,
lakes, rivers, and streams) contains about 30 million vectors and
compressed to about 50 MB on the PC.
A graphics tablet and several custom programs are used to add features than
were not contained in the original data bases, for example, the borders of
the countries of the former USSR.
Custom maps are generated by using two programs. The first, MAPGEN,
reads the appropriate parts of the map data base and produces separation
files of the required feature data as EGA, VGA, or 800x600 raster images.
Rectangular, polar, orthoscopic, azimuthal-equidistant, and Lambert
projections may be used in forming these separation files. Depending on
complexity and scale, this process takes between 30 and 300 seconds on an
AT with a co-processor. The second, MOVIE, allows the user to process the
separation files to select the features and colors for the final map,
including filling areas. This program also writes the map in a rasterized
compressed format with headers and trailers so that it may be easily used
as background data for other programs (for example, the GeoClock program).
Both these programs, and the converted data bases, are proprietary and
not yet available to the general public. World Data Bank II is available
from National Technical Information Center, Springfield, VA, for about
$1000 on 5 reels of tape. Both the 1;2,000,000 DLG data base ($30 on one
CD-ROM) and the Digital Chart of the World ($200 on 4 CD-ROMs) are
available from the US Geological Survey (Earth Science Information Center)
in Reston VA.
5.13 Elevation Maps
GeoClock supports color-coded elevation maps. Since these maps use
color in a radically different way that normal GeoClock maps, several
commands are required to give good map display, and some GeoClock features
do not work, or work poorly, on these maps. Very few such maps are
available, and they are available on from the GeoClock BBS.
The ECOLOR command sets the colors for elevation maps. While there is a
built-in palette for elevation maps, it is highly recommended that ECOLOR
statements be included in the GEOn.DAT files for these maps.
Elevation maps use palette positions that correspond to the sunlit area
on normal maps. Thus, the sunlight pattern cannot be displayed on
elevation maps. The BLANK statement should be included in the GEOn.DAT to
avoid display problems. Carefully designed elevation maps and palettes may
support sunlight display.
For the same reason, the colors for annotation may be different between
elevation maps and normal maps. Also, the normal lat/long line drawing
system, that overwrites only water and land, and not edges and political
borders, does not work with elevation maps. An LLCOLOR command is required
to prevent color corruption on these maps. Also, the icon display, and the
distance function, will be distorted (the "advanced" distance function,
activated by pressing @ (shift-2) works correctly but does have distorted
The GEOn.DAT files distributed with new elevation maps will properly
handle all these factors.
6. Utilities and GeoGlobe
GeoClock includes a number of utility programs, and the GeoGlobe spinning
Globe Program
6. Utilities and GeoGlobe
6.1 GeoGlobe Spinning Globe program
6.2 GeoSetup Customize GeoClock
6.3 MakeZoom Rebuild zoom tables
6.4 XXGeoDat Delete unnecessary GEOn.DAT files
6.5 GeoNoDup Delete unnecessary MAPn.EGA files
6.6 SunData
6.1 GeoGlobe Spinning Globe program
GeoGlobe is an optional program which displays a very smoothing
revolving globe on a VGA screen. It shows the sunlight curve, and the
globe revolves around the center of the screen as the earth revolves around
the sun. It uses several advanced techniques to ensure smooth operation,
and provides 60 or 72 frames per second animation (in contrast to 30 fps
for TV, 24 fps for movies, and 15 fps for multimedia displays).
The program is started by entering GEOGLOBE at the DOS command line or
by clicking the GeoGlobe icon while GeoClock (GEOCLK.COM) is running. It
is stopped by pressing any key.
GeoGlobe runs best if you have at least 1.3 MB of free RAM (any
combination of low RAM, EMS, and XMS). If you do not have this much free
memory, GeoGlobe will be forced to read some data from the disk on each
revolution. If you have a large enough disk cache, this may be acceptable.
If the disk light comes on after several revolutions of the globe, you do
not have enough memory to provide the best GeoGlobe performance.
Here are all the options available on GeoGlobe:
R Do not load data into conventional RAM
E Do not load data into expanded (LIM) memory
X Do not load data into extended (HIMEM) memory
P Preload the globe data before starting display
D Always retrieve globe data from the disk
W Do not "walk" the globe
All the above work WITHOUT a leading /
The following options require a leading / and usually need a parameter:
/Dn Wait n milliseconds between frame display. This is the minimum
wait, and may be longer if the refresh rate of the monitor does not
divide n, or if it takes longer to read and process the frame. You
may have to use this parameter under OS/2 2.x or windows 3.x in the
386 mode, because of the way the screen refresh is emulated on these
/Wfile Read the walk data from named file (default is the internal
table give an eliptical walk)
/Wyyyxxx Show a fixed globe yyy pixels up from the lower right corner,
and xxx pixels left from the lower right corner.
/Cxxbbgg Use palette numbers (same as used in CSET) xx for background,
bb for blue (ocean) and gg for green (land).
/L - does NOT display the sunlight curve
/Lbbgg - displays the sunlight curve, using color bb for water in shade,
and gg for land in shade. The sunlit colors are still set by /C
/Kn - performs one walk step every n globe frames. n=105 gives approximate
synchronization between the day and the year. On a fast computer,
GEOGLOBE /K105 gives one complete revolution around the screen in
about 36.5 minutes, with each day taking about 6 seconds.
/T - Show approximate date
/X - Show rotation axis
/B - starts the globe at a random position
/Bmmdd - starts the globe at approximately date month mm, day dd. The
actual starting point may be off by a day or two.
The options are used on the GeoGlobe command line (for example,
GEOGLOBE /T /X ) when GeoGlobe is started directly from DOS, or via the
WCGLOBE command (for example WCGLOBE /T /X in GECONFIG.DAT) when
GeoGlobe is execute from GeoClock.
GEOGLOBE.DOC has more detailed documentation on GeoGlobe and its files.
6.2 GeoSetup Customize GeoClock
The GEOSETUP program performs all the necessary initial customization of
GeoClock for your location. It sets up time zone and primary city data,
and sets GeoClock for EGA, VGA, or SVGA operation. Start GEOSETUP by
typing GEOSETUP at the DOS command line.
GEOSETUP tries to detect the type of video card you have. If you have a
VESA compliant SVGA (800x600x16), GEOSETUP will optionally test the card by
producing a 800x600x16 display. If the display is correct, GEOSETUP will
customize GeoClock for SVGA display.
If you have a US zip code (other than APO or FPO addresses), GEOSETUP
will automatically supply the proper time zone and latitude/longitude
information. All you need to do is enter your zip code and city name when
prompted. If you do not have a US zip code, you can select a city from the
list displayed. Pressing a letter key will advance the cursor to the
countries starting with that letter, the PageUp and PageDown keys move to
the next country, and the arrow keys allow you to move through the list one
at a time. Press ENTER when you have found your city, or a city close to
your city. In either case, you must specify whether you have an EGA or VGA
or SVGA based display. With this information, GEOSETUP builds an initial
6.3 MakeZoom Rebuild zoom tables
The MakeZoom utility allows the zoom-up sequence for the always active
mouse zoom to be defined. Clicking the right button, or the zoom-up icon,
uses this take to find the next map up. Initially, MAKEZOOM scans the map
directory and builds a candidate zoom up text file named GEOZOOMU.TXT.
This file has one line per map:
mapnumber zoomoutmapnumber mapname -> zoomoutmapname
Only the two numeric fields are processed, the rest is comment. Then the
program makes the GEOZOOMU.BIN file, which GeoClock uses. This file is
produced automatically when MAKEZOOM is run. If desired, the GEOZOOMU.TXT
file can be edited to change the zoom sequence. When MAKEZOOM is run, if
the GEOZOOMU.TXT file already exists, you are prompted to either use this
file, or produce a new one. You should run this program every time you add
or delete a map.
MAPZOOM go runs the program automatically, rebuilding the text file and
selecting the highest resolution world map as the top of the heirarchy.
MAKEZOOM W runs the program for the Windows version of GeoClock
6.4 XXGeoDat Delete unnecessary GEOn.DAT files
This program scans the current directory and delete all GEOn.DAT files
which do not have a corresponding MAPn.EGA file.
6.5 GeoNoDup Delete unnecessary MAPn.EGA files
GEONODUP allows you to eliminate duplicate GeoClock maps and data files.
If you have several identical maps, except for resolution and perhaps
features displayed, this program will identify them and allow you to check
and delete the unneeded maps. For example, it will show MAP6002 and MAP2
as duplicates. The algorithm used may identify non-duplicate maps as
duplicates (for example, old format elevation maps), so you should display
the maps using the "D" function before you delete them.
This program searches the current directory for possible duplicate maps
When potential duplicates are found, a list all the maps, their names,
and resolution are given. The user can delete any of the maps, or view the
maps, or continue the search. Maps selected for deletion are renamed to
.OLD or .nnn . After the user verifies that the renamed maps are indeed to
be deleted, DEL *.OLD will remove them from the directory permanently.
After this program is run, you should rerun MAKEZOOM.
GEONODUP go will run the program without interaction and will delete
files automatically.
6.6 SunData
SunData computes the sun rise and set, and twilight begin and end, for any
place on earth for any date after 100 CE. It requires the files
distributed with GeoClock 6.0 or later (GEOCLK6?.ZIP or GEOCLK7?.ZIP)
To run SunData, enter SUNDATA at the DOS command line. The program first
allows you to select a city using the GeoClock Gazetteer. If the city or
location of interest in not in the list, and you know the latitude and
longitude of the location, select a close by location *in the same time
Next, press Y confirm the data, or N to change the city name, lat/long, or
sunlight and twilight definition angles.
Next, enter the start date in yy mm dd format (for example, 1995 Feb 10 is
95 02 10). For dates before 1950 or after 2049, you must use the yyyy form
(i.e., 1582 10 01). mm dd gives the current year, while dd gives the
current month and year.
Finally, enter the end date (in the same format except dd is not allowed),
or a single number to get that number of consecutive days.
The program will list the date and day of week, the times of sun rise and
sun set, the times of morning twilight begin and evening twilight end, and
the local time zone name, for each date selected.
See the documentation with GeoClock for details on how to operate the city
selection system and about the algorithms used. The optional [output file]
parameter on the SunData command line causes SunData to write the output to
the named file in addition to the screen.
SunData is offered without charge, but it does require the files from
GeoClock. GeoClock is offered as shareware, which means that if you use
and enjoy the GeoClock program, you must register it. See the
documentation and MAILER file with GeoClock for more information.
7. HAM package
The HAM package is an add-in to the registered version of GeoClock. It
supports a variety of features to support HAM, SWL, and DX operators, and
includes a custom Equidistant-Azimuthal (Great Circle) projection map
centered on your location.
7. HAM package
7.1 HAM package features
7.2 Starting the HAM package
7.4 Call Sign Analysis
7.5 Use of other GeoClock features
7.6 Twilight zone definition
7.7 HAM data base
7.8 Support
7.9 Call Sign Analysis Algorithm
7.1 HAM package features
The GeoClock HAM package activates several new features of particular
interest to amateur radio operators and short-wave listeners. These
Azimuthal-Equidistant (Great Circle) maps.
Day, night, and twilight zone display:
- Twilight zone parameters can be set to indicate boundaries of sun
illumination on the F- and D-layers of the ionosphere.
Amateur radio call sign analysis (based on a user-maintainable call sign
data base). When a call sign (or prefix) is entered, the following
information is displayed:
- Remote station location
- short and long great circle path
- short and long path azimuth and range
- remote station (reciprocal) azimuth
- UTC, local, and remote station local time
- DXCC and WAE country identifications
- CQ and ITU zones
- Continent, area, and location names
The package has three major components: a custom Azimuthal-Equidistant
map centered on your station; a call sign data base, and a utility program
to process the text call sign data base into the GeoClock form. Your
registered copy of GeoClock will use this data base to overlay HAM data on
the custom map.
The custom Azi-Equi map centered on your location is named MAP9009.EGA.
A custom GEO9009.DAT file is also provided to control the display of HAM
If the optional QRZ or Buckmaster HamCall (April 95 and earlier) CDROM
is online, the GeoClock HAM package will use the CDROM to provide very
accurate coordinates and headings for US call signs in the data base.
These features are provided in addition to the other features of
7.2 Starting the HAM package
To start the HAM package, enter "GEOCLK MAP9009" at the DOS prompt.
The program will start with your custom map and an indication of the sun
and terminator locations. In the present release, ham features are
activated only on the custom map.
TIP: Edit your GECONFIG.DAT file with an ASCII text file editor and
add the command "MAP 9009" as the last line of this file. You will now be
able to start the GeoClock program by simply entering GEOCLK at the DOS
prompt. GeoClock will then start up automatically with your custom map
You should see a color Equi-Azi map displayed on your screen against a
black background. Your location at the center of the map is shown with a
cross symbol. Around the edge of the map are tick marks for every 10
degrees of azimuth. In the bottom right corner, your name, call sign, and
location will be displayed. In the bottom left corner two clock lines will
be displayed: GMT clock and local time at your location. The format of
clock information can be tailored to suit your taste in clock style. See
the "commands" section of the help system.
In a few seconds (depending on the speed of your computer), the current
sunlight, night, and twilight zones will be displayed. A yellow "sun" will
appear at the current sun subpoint (i.e., the spot on Earth where the sun
is currently directly overhead). GeoClock will continue to adjust the
display to keep up with real time, at a rate dictated by the processing
power of your computer. The date/time of the present display is shown on
the clocks in the lower left corner.
Note: The rate of updates can be slower (approximately half as fast for
the worst case) whenever the boundaries of the twilight zone approach the
edges of the Equi-Azi map. This is because a larger number of calculations
are required in order to accurately display the twilight zone boundary
around the map edge. GeoClock automatically adjusts to this condition in
order to insure that the map display remains accurate.
If your computer has a CD-ROM drive, and the QRZ or Buckmaster HamCall
(April 95 and earlier) CDROM is on line, GeoClock can use the database on
the CD-ROM to provide very accurate locations (within a few km) and bearing
for US call signs in the Data Base. In addition, the name and home town of
the owner of the call sign is displayed when the call sign is keyed in.
This feature is activated automatically if the HAMCD command is in
GECONFIG.DAT. If the CD-ROM drive is on a network or otherwise non-
standard, that command can be used to specify the exact path and file name
of the data base.
IMPORTANT: Starting with the October 1995 issue, the BuckMaster CD-ROM is
not compatible with GeoClock because the publisher deleted the file that
GeoClock uses.
You can obtain the QRZ CDROM at retail, or directly from the publisher:
Walnut Creek CDROM
1547 Palos Verdes Mall, #260
Walnut Creek CA 94596
Voice: 800-786-9907 or 510-674-0783
FAX: 510 674-0821
Internet: info@cdrom.com
7.4 Call Sign Analysis
To activate call sign analysis, simply begin to type in the letters and
numbers of the amateur radio call sign of interest. When the first key is
depressed, a window pops open and the call sign you are typing is displayed
in the window. Backspace and cursor keys may be used to correct any typing
errors. When the call sign has been completely entered, press the RETURN
To abort call sign entry, press the ESCape key. To clear the call sign
display, press any letter, then BACKSPACE and RETURN.
You do not need to enter an entire call sign. GeoClock will operate on
call sign prefixes. However, GeoClock contains over 1,700 entries in its
call sign analysis database. By entering a complete call sign, you will
frequently benefit from more precise location information.
Call signs containing "/" may be entered directly from the keyboard;
e.g., FR5ZD/E, KN3T/KH6, HB0/DL7FT and SP9PBE/6.
Once a call sign has been entered, GeoClock displays the following
a. a cross "mark" at the location of the station is added to the map.
The location chosen is the most accurate location known to the database.
b. the local time at that distance location is added to the bottom
left corner of the screen. This is the third clock time, labelled "mark:".
This time is continually updated, along with all the other clocks on the
screen. Rules for local daylight savings (summer) time are applied.
c. short and long great circle paths from your location to the
distance "mark" are displayed on the map. If you look carefully, you will
see the long path has a yellow color. (On an Equi-Az map, the long path is
obvious: it is the path which crosses the edge of the map.) In addition,
the left side of the screen shows the following for both short and long
-- azimuth (direction) from your location to the mark.
-- azimuth from the mark to your location.
-- distance in miles and kilometers.
d. on the left side of the screen, additional information about the
call sign is shown:
-- DXCC country: standard prefix and country name.
-- WAE country: standard prefix and country name.
-- area: state, region, or ooblast within the country for this
particular call sign. For USSR ooblasts, the ooblast number is also shown.
-- mark: the city or geographical spot which is displayed on the map and
used for distance and bearing calculations.
-- CQ zone(s) for the area named above.
-- ITU zone(s) for the area named above.
To erase the information, press the minus (-) key.
7.5 Use of other GeoClock features
Most of the GeoClock commands and features described in the other
sections of HELP are available while using the HAM package. In addition to
real time operation, GeoClock can be instructed to operate at other dates
and times, and to operate at accelerated rates. Distances and great circle
directions can be determined between any locations on the globe. There are
many commands which allow you to customize the type and style of
information displayed on GeoClock. You should take time to read the
remaining GeoClock help sections to learn about these additional
capabilities. These will help you get the most out of your GeoClock
GeoClock also includes many additional maps of the world, polar regions,
continents, oceans, and individual countries. These additional maps allow
you to zoom in on specific areas on interest in the globe; e.g., twilight
zone crossings of Africa, etc.
While using your custom map and ham features, you can enter these other
GeoClock commands by holding down the SHIFT key while pressing the
appropriate letter. For example, pressing SHIFT and T (for Time) allows
you to change the date/time used to calculate the displayed day, night, and
twilight zones.
Note: The SHIFT key must be used. The CAPS LOCK key and caps-lock
status is ignored. Any keys pressed without the SHIFT will be interpreted
as characters for a call sign.
GeoClock supports two commands which are specific to ham features.
The HAMDB command specifies the name of the call sign database to be used.
This command should be in the GECONFIG.DAT file. For example,HAMDB HAM.HDB
specifies that HAM.HDB contains the call sign data base. This database
MUST be in the format produced by GENHAMDB, not in text format. Only the
first use of HAMDB in a given run has effect - the data base cannot be
changed while GeoClock is executing.
The second command, HAM, specifies that the HAM features are to be
activated. The best place to this command is in the GEO9009.DAT file
corresponding to your Azimuthal-Equidistant (Azi-Equi) map. In the current
release of GeoClock, the HAM features may only be used when the Azi-Equi
map is displayed. NOHAM deactivates the HAM features.
7.6 Twilight zone definition
One of the strengths of GeoClock is the ability for you to use the
TWILIGHT and SUNLIGHT commands to determine the boundaries of the day zone,
twilight zone, and night zone. You can set these boundaries to any value
The value is the offset, in degrees, of the zone boundary from the edge
of the (geometric) sunlight part of the earth. Typical values of interest
for shortwave operating include:
SUNLIGHT -6.596 Boundary where sun starts/stops illuminating the
D-layer. This controls absorption on the lower
frequency shortwave radio bands.
TWILIGHT -14.165 Boundary where sun starts/stops illuminating the
F-layer. These values are based on average D- and
F-layer heights. They define the Ionospheric Gray
Line: a twilight zone where shortwave radio signals
can pass through the D-layer without absorption.
Within this zone signals will encounter an illuminated
F- layer whose ionization level will be normally
enhanced over that found in the night zone.
Other common values for these commands include:
SUNLIGHT -0.833 Sunset/sunrise at sea level, taking into account the
bending of light through the Earth's atmosphere and
the apparent width of the sun.
TWILIGHT -6 Boundary of civil (legal) twilight, where it is bright
enough to work outdoors.
TWILIGHT -12 Boundary of nautical twilight, where it is bright
enough to see the horizon. One can take navigational
sightings with a sextant in this zone.
TWILIGHT -18 Boundary of astronomical twilight, where sunlight on
the upper atmosphere interferes with the use of
telescopes by astronomers.
To use the same values for twilight definition on all maps, enter these
commands in the GECONFIG.DAT file. To specify values for each particular
map, the commands should appear in the GEO*.DAT file (where "*" represents
the map number; e.g., GEO9009.DAT for your custom Equi-Az map).
7.7 HAM data base
Analysis of amateur radio call signs is driven by information contained
in the ham database. The database consists of three files:
-- HAM42B.DAT: An ASCII text file containing information described
below. The "42B" in the name indicates the version number of the database:
"42" indicates that this database was prepared to support GeoClock version
4.2, and "B" indicates this is the second release of the database for this
GeoClock version. You may have received a more recent version number.
-- GENHAMDB.EXE: An executable utility which converts the ASCII text
file into a binary format used by GeoClock for call sign analysis. Database
validation is also performed by this utility.
-- HAM.HDB: The binary format produced by the GENHAMDB.EXE utility
The text form of the call sign data base consists of lines specifying
key data about a group of call signs. Each line consists of 11 data items:
1. CallPattern - the leading characters of the call sign group. For
example, PY signifies all call signs beginning with the characters PY.
Wildcard characters are used in describing call sign patterns as follows:
# -- represents any single digit; i.e., 0, 1, 2, ... 9.
@ -- represents any single alphabetic character; i.e., A, B, ... Z.
? -- represents any single character, either alphabetic or numeric.
* -- represents any string of characters.
For example, PY#Z* represents any call sign beginning with PY, followed
by any single digit, then the letter Z, and then anything else. PY0ZZ would
match this pattern.
All characters are interpreted as upper case. This file has been created
in lower case. If you add entries of your own, you may wish to make them
upper case so that you can easily recognize your own additions for future
maintenance and debugging purposes.
2. HamLat - the latitude of the location corresponding to this call sign.
This may be in decimal degrees (-15.146 for 15.146 degrees South), or in
degrees/minutes/seconds ("15 8 45.6S"). If the latter format is used, the
latitude must be enclosed in quote marks.
3. HamLong - the longitude of the location corresponding to this call sign.
This may be in decimal degrees (-15.146 for 15.146 degrees West), or in
degrees/minutes/seconds ("15 8 45.6W"). If the latter format is used, the
latitude must be enclosed in quote marks.
4. HamTimeZone - the time zone code for local time for this call sign
group. For example, ET stands for US Eastern time. The time zone
acronyms are defined in the GEOZONES.DAT file.
5. HamCQzone - the CQ zone for this call sign group. If the zone has
imbedded spaces, it must be enclosed in quotes; e.g., "3 4 5".
6. HamITUzone - the ITU zone for this call sign group. If the zone has
imbedded spaces, it must be enclosed in quotes.
7. HamContinent - the continent for this call sign group. NA, SA, AF, EU,
AS, AN, and OC may be used as abbreviations.
8. DXCCprefix - the standard DXCC call sign prefix designation for this
CallPattern. The DXCC country identification for this CallPattern is
determined by this prefix.
9. AreaName - the name of the area within a country which is covered by
this CallPattern; e.g., state, ooblast, region, or other political
subdivision. This must be enclosed by quotes.
10. MarkName - the name of the specific place used to represent this call
sign group. Ordinarily this should correspond to the latitude,
longitude,and time zone specified above. If the MarkName is missing,the
Areaname is used. This must be enclosed by quotes.
11. WAEprefix - the standard WAE call sign prefix designation for this
CallPattern. The WAE country identification for this CallPattern is
determined by this prefix. If omitted, it is assumed that the WAE country
is the same as the DXCC country.
NOTE -- Items enclosed in quotes must be separated from one another by at
least one space. All items must be contained on a single line.
Another type of line in the text call sign data base specifies
equivalences in call signs. For example, ZY* =PY* specifies that any call
sign starting with ZY should be treated as if it started with PY; i.e.,
ZY5EG can be processed as if the call was PY5EG.
Through appropriate combinations of "equates" and wildcards, the database
and analysis algorithm is capable of accurately determining the location of
any call sign heard on the air, including special prefixes.
Mobile call signs (K3NA/MM, for instance) will be processed but not
result in a location display on the map, since the exact location of the
station is not predictable in advance.
You may add additional entries to the HAM42B.DAT (or later versions) file
with a simple ASCII file editor, following the conventions outlined above.
Any line beginning with a space in column 1 is interpreted as a comment.
You can see a typical comment line in the first line of the HAM42B.DAT
file, where columns are named for your convenience.
After the HAM42B.DAT file has been modified, it must be converted into a
format which can be processed by the GeoClock program. The program
GENHAMDB.EXE does this conversion. To start the program, enter at the DOS
prompt: GENHAMDB (filename). Example: GENHAMDB HAM42B.DAT
Conversion processing can take several minutes, depending on the speed of
your computer. The GENHAMDB utility provides you with a cryptic status of
the current state of the conversion process.
When conversion is completed, GENHAMDB prompts you for a name for the
converted file. The normal convention is to use the name HAM.HDB. If you
do not specify a name, GENHAMDB will assume HAM.HDB.
NOTE -- GeoClock is initially configured to look for the database under the
name HAM.HDB. To change this, you must modify the GEO9009.DAT file with an
ASCII file editor. The command line HAMDB specifies the name of the .HDB
file to use when your custom map is displayed. For simplicity, you may
wish to always tell GENHAMDB to name its output as HAM.HDB.
After writing the .HDB file to disk, GENHAMDB allows you to test the
database without running GeoClock. You will be prompted for a call sign.
GENHAMDB takes the call sign given and looks it up in the data base, and
displays the data base entry, including a summary of the equivalences used
in the analysis. You can test as many call signs as you wish before
exiting the program.
Note -- You will also see other numbers displayed along with the data
base entry. These other numbers are used by the GeoClock software
developers in order to debug errors.
To exit GENHAMDB, enter an empty call sign (i.e., just press the RETURN
If you wish to conduct further tests on the HAM.HDB file, simple re-enter
GENHAMDB by typing the following command at the DOS prompt:
where "HAM.HDB" is the name of the .HDB binary file to be tested. GENHAMDB
takes note of the "/D" debug switch on the command line, skips the database
construction phase, and prompts you to enter test call signs.
7.8 Support
The call sign data base included with the HAM version of GeoClock was
developed by Eric Scace, K3NA. This is also a copyrighted software
product. You may use the database for any other software which you have
developed for your personal use (e.g., contesting software, QSL card
processing programs, etc). However, the database can not be incorporated
into any software product which is sold or distributed as shareware without
prior permission.
Questions, comments, additional data and corrections to the ham database
are welcomed! These can be sent to Eric via the GeoClock RBBS, or by other
means to:
Eric L. Scace K3NA
10701 Five Forks Road
Frederick MD 21701
home: +1-301-293-2448
work: +1-703-689-6556
fax: +1-703-689-5036
telex: +23-740-0368 ERIC UC
X400 e-mail: C:USA A:Telemail O:Sprintmail
FN: Eric SN: Scace MI: L.
amateur radio BBS: K3NA @K3NA
7.9 Call Sign Analysis Algorithm
Matching Algorithm (ALG-2):
1. Use ALG-1 on the input string.
2. If input string does not contain a "/", done
3. If there was no match, go to step 7
4. If the match after the / is exact, done
5. If the end string is /A, /M, or /P, done
6. If the end string is a single numeric, replace the first non-leading
numeric in the string before the /. If ALG-1 produces a match, done.
7. If the string exactly matches one of the */ entries, use that entry
8. Use the shorter of the strings before and after the / (after if equal)
and apply ALG-1
1. Find the most stringent straight match on the input string
2. Find the most stringent equate match. If none, go to 4
3. Make the substitutions, and find the most stringent straight match
(Can be done recursively up to a maximum limit.)
4. If only one match was found, done
5. If both a straight and substitution match were found, use the more
8. Registering/Updates
GeoClock is distributed as shareware. This means that if you use and enjoy
the program, you are expected to register it. See "Ordering GeoClock" for
details. Registering your copy makes continued improvement and support for
GeoClock possible. Furthermore, the registered version includes the zoom,
distance measuring, and city time display functions, plus many additional
maps. You also get access to additional map files from the GeoClock
Bulletin Board System.
8. Registering/Updates
8.1 Updates
8.2 Available Maps
8.3 About the GeoClock Bulletin Board
8.4 GeoClock 7.1 special pricing
8.5 Ordering GeoClock 7.1
8.1 Updates
If you have registered an older version of GeoClock, you can register
a new version without cost. Just un-LZH the files from the newest
shareware version of GeoClock and run the REGISTER.EXE program that was
included on your original distribution disks. The latest version is always
available from the GeoClock computer bulletin board system (BBS).
8.2 Available Maps
GeoClock includes a large number of maps. All these maps have border
data for the former USSR, former Czechoslovakia, and former Yugoslavia as
of the release date of this version. While the specific maps included
change from time to time to reflect changing interests, the following maps
are currently included with registration:
Africa Australia & NZ British Isles
Canada Caribbean Europe
Far East Former USSR Japan
Meso America Mexico Middle East
N America New York City (2) North Pole
S America SW Asia/India South Pacific
South Pole United States (2) US Regional (13)
View-From-Space (6) World (3)
These basic maps are also available in 800x600 resolution.
There are four supplemental map sets providing detailed coverage of every
country in the world, the US states, and the Canadian Provinces.
North America has approximately 50 maps, including the 50 US states and the
Canadian provinces.
Europe has approximately 40 maps, including all the countries of the former
Middle East / Asia / Pacific has approximately 35 maps.
Africa / South America has approximately 35 maps including Central America
and the Caribbean.
The maps distributed are changed from time to time to reflect changing
interests. The GeoClock Bulletin Board always has all the maps available
to registered users.
8.3 About the GeoClock Bulletin Board
A free computer Bulletin Board System (BBS) provides support for users
of GeoClock. It always has the latest version of the program available for
downloading. In addition, it provides a forum for all interested parties
to exchange programs and information concerning GeoClock and high quality
mapping for the IBM PC.
Everyone is welcome to use this BBS, but registered GeoClock users have
access to certain special files and have higher access limits. HAM package
owners also have access to the latest version of the HAM data base. Please
have your registration number handy when you log on for the first time.
Except for these special files, the messages and files on the board are
available to everyone. Your comments and suggestions are welcome.
You need a modem (1200, 2400, 9600 v.32, 14400 v.32bis) and terminal
emulation software (such as Procomm or Crosstalk) for your PC to access the
BBS. The BBS uses N-8-1 communications. The BBS number is 703-241-7980.
This is a Washington DC metro area number. GeoClock is also available from
many Shareware catalogs, computer bulletin boards, and CompuServe (CSID
8.4 GeoClock 7.1 special pricing
License for multiple users at a single site (for LAN use, estimate the
number of LAN users of GeoClock):
Number Price
1 $ 35/User
2-9 $ 30/User
10-20 $ 25/User
21-40 $ 20/User
41+ $ 15/User
Site licenses, corporate licenses, educational licenses, and other large
quantity licenses are available. Contact GeoClock directly (voice 703-241-
2661, FAX 703-241-5809) for details.
SVGA basic map set - $10.
Supplemental Map Sets: $ 20 for one, $30 for two, $35 for three, $40 for
all four ordered at the same time. Available sets:
Basic (included with GeoClock registration)
North America
South America/Africa/Middle East
Spinning Globe: $15
HAM radio support package: $ 30
Custom maps - $30 for rectangular projection maps covering at least 120,000
square miles (at least 300 miles North to South) outside the US, or at
least 800 square miles (25 miles North to South) within the US. Other
projections and sizes by negotiation.
Custom modifications to GeoClock - by negotiation. Custom modifications
can generally be made on a fixed price basis after agreement to
The supplemental maps and HAM package can be used by each registered user
without additional charge. The supplemental map sets contain detailed maps
of all individual countries in the areas listed above. Geo*.dat files
accompany each country(s) map(s) and provide both city and country data.
In all cases, the purchaser must make all required copies from the supplied
master copy, and must protect the software the same way the purchaser
protects its own proprietary software to ensure that the license is not
Terms: Payment must be by VISA, MasterCard, American Express, or check in
advance. Purchase Orders are accepted only for unlimited site licenses and
custom programming. No CODs.
8.5 Ordering GeoClock 7.1
Registration of GeoClock includes a copy of the latest DOS and Windows
versions of the program, a large set of maps (the basic set described in
"Available Maps"), a file with the names and locations of many world cities
for customizing the maps, a "starter set" of map overlay files, and an
installation program for automatic set-up on a hard disk. Updates to the
program are available to registered users at no charge from the GeoClock
The supplemental map sets(North America; Europe; Middle East, Asia &
Pacific; South America & Africa), and the HAM package, can be ordered with
the initial registration or later. Custom maps and quantity license
agreements are available. Write for details.
Orders paid by cash or check are accepted by mail. VISA, MasterCard,
and American Express orders may be made by mail, voice, FAX, or
electronically via the GeoClock BBS.
Purchase orders, and checks drawn on or payable to banks outside the
USA, are not accepted. International postal money orders mailed separately
have not proved reliable and should be avoided. In all cases, specify
whether 5.25" (1.2MB) or 3.5" (1.44MB) disks are required.
$35 GeoClock registration, DOS and Windows programs, and basic map set
$5 Extra for international air mail and handling
$10 SVGA basic map set
$20 One supplemental map set
$30 Two supplemental map sets
$35 Three supplemental map sets
$40 All four supplemental map sets
$30 HAM package (include your call sign and QTH)
$15 Spinning Globe program
You can also order the basic GeoClock registered versions ($35) via
CompuServe's SWREG (search for the keyword GEOCLOCK)
GeoClock 2218 N Tuckahoe St, Arlington, VA 22205-1964
Voice: 703-241-2661 (normal business hours)
BBS: 703-241-7980 (24 hours)
FAX: 703-241-5809 (24 hours)
CompuServe: 70461,2340
Internet: jahlgren@capaccess.org